The Little Flower

Spring/Summer Issue 2021

A Message from Principal Ms. Mastromartino:

The 2020-2021 school year can be easily summed up as a 'Year of Resilience' by the entire STL Family. According to its very own definition, resilient people are autonomous, they have a realistic awareness of self, they are adaptable, optimistic, pragmatic, socially connected, and they demonstrate self-compassion. I witnessed first hand all of these components from our STL staff, students, and overall community as we continue to work through the adversities we have endured with COVID-19. It was our faith in God and the commitment shown by all that continues to make us a stronger community. We currently live in a world where there is a need to seek unity and respect for all human lives, while we continue to work through the adversities of COVID-19. Social distancing continues to be our new norm in what we do, in what we say, in how we feel, and how we now interact. I am hopeful the 2021-22 school year will bring much health and normalcy to our daily school life.

Despite the pandemic, I am absolutely amazed at how vibrant our STL community continues to be. A student government of over 150 students, clubs/committees that are giving back to our community and those in need, and the wonderful accomplishments from both staff and students are examples of what our patron Saint Theresa believes, ‘To do the ordinary with extraordinary Love.’

Please know that I pray for all of us daily to seek health, peace, and love for the future. My strength lies within the people I hold dear to my heart, my family, my staff, Catholic School Council, and especially my students. I am disheartened at the fact that yet another class of our grade 12 graduates have missed many events that would commemorate their last year of high school. Something as simple as not having the opportunity to walk the halls of STL for the very last time is something that I cannot replace. On behalf of STL, we congratulate the graduating class of 2021, and are ecstatic to see all of them at the farewell ‘Clap Out.’ I look forward to what the future holds for you.

I am blessed to have an admin team that exemplifies empathy, commitment and a focus in serving both students and staff throughout this year. Ms. Coulis, Mr. Jorge, Mr. Marrin, and Mr. Marosszeky, thank you for your support and leadership during a year of both challenges and successes. I would like to thank Vice Principal Ms. Jillian Coulis for her time at STL, and wish her many blessings as she takes on the role of Vice Principal at the Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, and Clarington Catholic District School Board. Ms. Coulis, you will always be a part of the STL Family.

Students, as we finish off this school year, take the time to enjoy the little things that make you happy, and spend some quality time with your family and loved ones. I leave you with something to reflect on. “Hope and healing are not found in the dark abyss of secrecy but in the light and love of our savior, Jesus Christ.”

Until we meet again in September, St. Theresa of Lisieux, Pray for us.

Elisa Mastromartino, Principal

Ms. Mastromartino, Principal

Ms. Jillian Coulis, Vice Principal

Mr. Miguel Jorge, Vice Principal

Mr. Jim Marrin, Vice Principal

Mr. Matthew Marosszeky

Vice Principal