Students' Special Achievements

Congratulations to the following students for their achievements:

Grade 9:

Mira Bhattacharya: Silver Medal, $2,000.00 entrance scholarship to Western University, and the Youth can Innovate Award with $750.00 for her submission to the 2018 Canada Wide Science Fair. Mira presented her project "Natural Polymers and Absorption" where she created four methods of cleaning up oils spills that are natural, biodegradable, organic and very low cost.

Ellina Zhang: York University Math Experience 2018 and top score in the Pascal Math Contest and the Fryer Math Contest

Eugene Lee: Canadian Open Math Competition (Junior)

Grade 10:

David Besprozvanny, Brianna Bastone, Melissa Fiore, Rayhan Kara, Kamran Mokhtari-Fotovat, and Julia Altomare: BBI 201 Business students that created a Dragon's Nest Pitch. Their idea, Bag 2 School, was a subscription backpack and school supplies website that delivered all the necessary school items to the parent's door before the school year. Parents could replenish these supplies over the course of the year. Their charity component was to donate 2 backpacks of supplies to those in need from developing countries with every 10 backpacks sold. They also hope to help local families that cannot afford school supplies. These students came in a close second place.

Hanan Au: Top score in the Cayley Math Contest

Rachel Shen: Top score in the Galois Math Contest

Grade 11:

Faith Ruetas: Placed second in the Ontario Skills Competition

Benjamin Yang: Fermat Math Contest

Payam Fakoorziba: Hypatia Math Contest

Michael Ong: Hypatia Math Contest

Grade 12:

Hayden Cheung: Ontario Medal for Volunteerism by the Ontario Government

Jacob Perzan: Placed third in the Ontario Skills Competition

Andrew Cheung: Canadian Senior Math Contest

Andrey Remorov: Euclid Math Contest and Canadian Open Math Competition (Senior)

Christian Curti: $250,000.00 soccer scholarship to Marist Univeristy in New York