For parents & families

Mental health is everyone’s business, and we all have a role to play. As a parent, guardian, caregiver or family member, you have a particularly special role in supporting child and youth mental health. sometimes the most important thing you can do is to “be there”… walking alongside as your child learns and grows, stumbles and gets back up again. Inspiring hope and modeling resilience ~ SChool Mental Health Ontario


During these challenging times, you may be worried about your child(ren)’s mental health and well-being. You may notice that they are anxious or unsettled, and perhaps have told you that they are worried about someone in the family getting the virus. They may be confused about why usual activities are disrupted or may be disappointed to miss something that they were looking forward to. All of these things are very natural at this uncertain time.

Here are some mental health practices to try at home: 12 easy and fun mental health practices to try with your children at home. Movies to help you talk to your kids about mental health

The following tips to maintain communication with your child are provided by School Mental Health Ontario:


  • Stay calm. Children look to us for how to respond to stressful situations. Remember you being calm, helps your child to remain calm. Think about ways to manage the stress you might be carrying (talking with a friend, going for a walk, focusing on gratitude, etc.) so that you can be at your best in supporting your children. If you are feeling overwhelmed or extremely worried, pause and take a breath before speaking with your child about COVID-19.

  • Keep it simple. The COVID-19 situation can feel overwhelming and complex. There is a lot of information coming at us at once. You can help your child by breaking it down into more manageable parts and focusing on the things that are most important to them. For example, reminding them that they are safe, explaining that cancellations are happening to help keep them and others in the community safe, telling them that by washing their hands regularly they are helping everyone, etc. Having some language to help them to understand the situation, that you can repeat in calm ways, can help.

  • Listen. Let your child talk through how they’re feeling. Acknowledge their emotions and help to label them. You can say, “Yes, I can see you’re feeling worried” or “it is okay to feel angry that you can’t see grandma right now.” Some children may not easily talk about their feelings or have the vocabulary to identify and label different feelings. If you’re noticing different behaviour, you can say. “I wonder if you might be feeling worried, or sad?” and, “what might help you feel better?”

  • Keep information age-appropriate. Answer their questions as factually as possible but keep responses age-appropriate. Balance the facts with reassurance. Your child needs to know that they, and you, are safe.

  • Limit exposure. Avoid listening to or watching news coverage about the pandemic with young children around. Avoid having adult conversations about your own worries in front of children. Encourage older children to be aware of their social media use and to take breaks from this. Help them to think critically about what they are reading on-line, sorting myths from facts.

  • Try to establish a flexible routine for your child. This might include a regular, but relaxed, time for waking and sleeping, and perhaps for meals and snacks. Some parents will be working from home and may have new opportunities to connect with their child during the day. Playing and talking together can help everyone to feel more relaxed. This can take some planning at first while new schedules are being worked out. Watch for those natural moments when you can just be together and follow your child’s lead.

  • Be patient and understanding. You may notice behaviour changes in your child. Children react differently to changes in routine and stress. They may become frustrated more easily, or more emotional, or engage in things they did at a much younger age. Try to be understanding with your child, as they may just need more reassurance and calm during this time.


  • Be patient and understanding. Think back to when you were a teen and how important your social connections were (and likely still are!). Teens are dealing with less social contact and cancelled events. This can be upsetting. Try to be patient and understanding – try not to minimize their feelings. Instead, listen and express compassion.

  • Encourage balance. Some teens may turn to Netflix, social media or gaming as a distraction from the day-to-day reality of social distancing—this is to be expected and you may also find you’re looking for distractions yourself. Taking breaks from screen time is helpful. Plus, too much social media exposure can have a negative impact on mental health. It’s a good idea for all of us to prioritize wellness as much as possible at this time. Try to encourage regular sleep habits. You could invite your teen to get outside for daily walks with you, or to do some cooking together.

  • Pause before talking. With so much news coverage and talk about COVID-19, over exposure is very possible. You can provide a break for your teen by not discussing the situation in front of them unless they want to talk about it.

  • Listen and provide reassurance when you can. Some teens may be worried about the health of their friends and family members, about the size of the pandemic locally and globally, or about lost class time and their ability to complete courses. If they express concerns to you, listen to their concerns and try to provide reassurance. You can talk about how measures are in place to keep people safe, how you’ve prepared as a family, and how life will return to normal. For teens who are concerned about lost class time and completing courses, reassure them that school staff understand and appreciate their concern. Tell them more information will come and you’ll work through it together.

Supporting Mental Health and Wellness during the Return to School - Tip Sheet - EN.pdf
Noticing Mental Health Concerns For Your Child - Info Sheet - EN.pdf

How to Talk With Your Child When you Feel They may be Struggling With a Mental Health Problem:

It can be challenging to talk about mental health. Sometimes parents, like others, avoid the conversation because they don’t know how to start or they worry that they might put thoughts into their child’s head that had not been there, and will, therefore, make things worse. Research tells us that this is not the case. Bringing up worries, concerns, changes in behaviour etc. with your child will open the lines of communication rather than worsen the situation.

Here are some tips to help you talk to your child about mental health:

  • Find a quiet time when you are unlikely to have interruptions to begin the conversation.

  • Reassure your child that they can tell you anything and you will not get angry with them (even if you get scared).

  • Start the conversation with describing changes you have noticed in their mood, behaviour, reactions etc.e.g., “I have noticed that you seem to be crying more.” If you have had conversations with your child’s teacher about concerns, include comments from the teacher’s observations.

  • Share that you “wonder” about how your child might be feeling, what they might be thinking, what they might be worried about etc. e.g., “I wonder if you’re feeling sad about losing your friendship with Sam.”

  • Allow your child time to reflect before they answer.

  • Stay calm and don’t abandon the conversation if your child responds with“Nothing is wrong……leave me alone”. If this happens, reassure your child that you are there for them. Give your child some time and then try again.

  • If your child tells you anything that makes you worried (e.g., thoughts of suicide, overwhelming anxiety, self-injurious behaviour like cutting) reassure your child that you are glad they told you and you will help them find the right professional to talk to, and you will be there for them throughout the journey.