Frequently Asked Questions


  1. If my child attends one of your feeder schools, do we still have to go through the online registration process?

All students that currently attend one of our five feeder schools will be receiving communication from the school board regarding digital registration for high school shortly. All registration information will be shared through your child’s school via their grade 8 teacher, and/or the YCDSB.

  1. Does the school factor in academic marks when accepting incoming students?

Academic marks are not factored into the registration process. The registration process is based on a time stamp and then the criterion that has been outlined.

  1. Can more than one family member apply online for one student?

Yes. Please note, the online application with the earliest time stamp will be considered.

  1. What happens if there is a missing document with the registration package?

Due to the high demand of applicants, it is imperative that all requested documents are submitted on time. If there is a missing document, the school will move on to the next completed application - with the exception of those in question 9 and 10.

  1. What happens if we cannot make the application deadline dates?

Due to the high demand of applicants, it is imperative that all requested due dates and document submissions are adhered to. If your child’s application is not submitted on time, the school will move on to the next completed application.

  1. If my child is not accepted for grade 9, can we re-apply for grade 10?

Due to the high demand of applications, we do not accept any students in any other grade.

  1. If I have a child who currently attends St. Theresa, will my child going into grade 9 be given automatic admission if they are not at an elementary Catholic feeder school?

There is no provision for students whose siblings attend STL. All non-feeder school students will be considered according to the process outlined.

  1. Can we apply to both the regular stream and AP Program?

Yes, your child can apply to both the regular stream and AP program. However, please note that there are 2 separate online registration applications with different submission dates. Please ensure you are ready to apply to both on time.

  1. What if I am a YCDSB student who is applying for AP and will not have my report card by Monday, November 23 at 3pm?

ONLY YCDSB grade 8 students will be able to submit their report cards to the school by Wednesday, November 25. However, the rest of the application package must be submitted by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23.

  1. What if I am applying to the AP Program and have not yet received my Grade 8 report card?

Different schools may have differing timelines for reporting. Please send in your child's Grade 7 report card by Monday, November 23. When you receive your child's Grade 8 report card, please deliver it to the school.

  1. Will the Open House website be available for some time?

This website will remain open until after the registration process has been completed (December 11th, 2020). After that time, a modified version of this site will be available.

  1. Can my child apply to the AP program even if they are not at one of our YCDSB schools?

Yes they can, however they would have to fall under one of the 3 categories listed on the AP Registration page. Please review those and their stipulations.

  1. We live outside the AP/Pace Boundary but would like to apply to the AP Program, is this possible?

The Boundary for students applying to St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS AP Stream is shown on the map on the AP Registration page and this will be followed.

  1. We live outside the Regular Stream Boundary but would like to apply to the Regular stream , is this possible?

The Boundary for students applying to St. Theresa of Lisieux CHS Regular Stream is shown on the map on the

Regular Stream page and this will be followed.

  1. What is required for registration?

Please visit the Registration page and select the appropriate stream your child is interested in to view the specific requirements and registration dates.

  1. What happens when the grade 9 program reaches the 400 student limit for the 2021 - 2022 year?

Enrollment is limited to 400, once the 400 student limit is reached a waiting list will be created based on the timestamps.

  1. What if I currently live out of boundary but plan on moving into the boundary area for the coming school year?

Your address at the time of application is what will be considered during the application process. Proof of residence will be required.

  1. Can you please explain policy 226B (TCH19 REQUIREMENT)?

Policy 226B can be found at

  1. How do we submit the AP registration materials?

Please drop them off in the clearly labelled drop box in the front foyer of St. Theresa of Lisieux by Monday, November 23 at 3pm (please see questions 9 and 10 for exceptions)

  1. If I am applying for the AP Program as NOT Identified as GIFTED AND live within the REGULAR St. Theresa school boundary, do I still need a Psychoeducational assessment?

No, you do not need the psychoeducational assessment when not identified as gifted. You must however live within the regular St. Theresa Boundary.

21. What proof of residency documents are required?

Proof of residency documents include the following documents with the parents/guardians name on it along with the address: a property tax bill, rental agreement, utility bills, drivers licence, all documents must be current dated.

22. What is a “psychoeducational assessment”?

A psychoeducational assessment is a formal document written by a Psychologist which assesses a child’s cognitive abilities, which may lead to the formal development of an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). There is a formal process for this assessment which generally takes place in the earlier years of a child’s education. This process can often take a year or more to complete. For more information regarding our Special Education Programs and Services please visit

23. Can an application be submitted for the AP program and the regular program for the same student?

Absolutely, in fact, unless your child is coming in from a formal gifted student PACE program from our local YCDSB elementary school, then it is highly recommended to send in applications for both the AP and the regular program (time stamped on Dec. 8th at 7:00pm.)

24. Regarding the additional fee of $150 for the AP application, is this for all 4 courses, and is this in addition to the regular Student Activity Fee?

Yes, the annual fee for being part of the AP program is $150 over and above the regular Student Activity Fee, and would cover all AP courses taken in that academic school year. For more information on the process for entry into the YCDSB program for formally identified students please visit

25. When do we apply for registration if we are from a "non-feeder" school?

On Tuesday, December 8th, at 7:00pm our portal window opens at ( Ensure to be absolutely ready at this time to enter in your information, as our registrations will be taken in order of the time stamp when you submit your form.