Welcome to a new school year at St. Jean de Brebeuf C.H.S.!

Despite the uneasiness that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause, we a THRILLED to return to learning at school for the 2021/2022 year! We look forward to when all students return and the Black Bears are completely reunited!

I am honoured to lead this dynamic Catholic learning community and I look forward to meeting as many students as I can. With my arrival in February 2021, the opportunities were few and far between to meet with students and learn new names but this year, I find the hustle and bustle of hallways and stairwells so exciting. Our building is filled with students again and this is how it should be. That said, we are committed to safety first and foremost, as the pandemic is not yet over. New signange has been installed to remind students and staff of the safety procedures in place. Additional hand sanitizing stations have been put in place in a number of common areas. Each day, PA announcements feature a safety tip of the day. We are doing what we can to keep students and staff safe while at school.

A major priority for our school community will be responding to the Calls to Action outlined in The Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Our patron, St. Jean de Brebeuf, answered the called to evangelize and spread the Good News of the Gospel. By responding to these Calls to Action, we are doing just that. It is our hope that our students see their potential as missionaries in themselves and how every act of in the name of faith, justice and reconciliation can yeild profound results.

We are also dedicating time to re-acclimatizing students to regular schooling routines. Many of our students haven't been inside a school building since March 2020 and we understand that there are concerns regarding gaps that may have been created as a result of the changing modalities of learning. Our teachers remain dedicated to providing quality education for all of our students, supporting both their academic as well as their social/emotional needs. We are also thrilled to see the return of some many co-curricular activities that truly enrich the experience of our students. We are so thankful to the staff who generously give their time to support and supervise these activities.

Continue to stay connected to us by following our various social media platforms and download our school app for immediate updates. Our school website is an excellent place to lauch these various apps and to see first-hand what is happening in our community.

I wish all of our students, those learning in-person and remote, a wonderful year!

Christine Cosentino