
Frequently Asked Questions:

Preparing for Kindergarten:

Q:  When will I find out my child's classroom teacher?
A:  All students will be made aware of their classroom teacher for the 2024 - 2025 school year sometime in August if the information is available.

Q:  When is the first day of school?
A:  All Kindergarten students, both Year One and Year Two, start on the first day of school at 8:25 a.m.  For the 2024 - 2025 school year, the first day of school is pending approval by the Ministry of Education and YCDSB.  Check back for further updates.

Q:  What if my child is not quite toilet-trained?
A:  Students should be able to manage their bathroom needs on their own.  This includes being able to pull down and up their underwear/pants/tights without help, wipe themselves and change themselves should an accident occur.  As teachers and early childhood educators (ECEs), we can help guide them through this process with words of encouragement, but no physical contact.  It is still early in the year, so keep working on this important skill of being independent.  Let them try to do it themselves, before offering help. 

Q:  What type of backpack should I purchase for my child?
A:  Your child’s backpack should be large enough to hold a large picture book (for library days), a lunch bag and a large note bag. This is what your child will be bringing to and from school regularly. While small bags may be fashionable, a practical bag will assist your child in managing the routines at school. Help them practice packing and unpacking the bag and doing up the zippers or snaps. We highly encourage our students to carry their own backpacks to and from school. This prepares them for the day-to-day routines of school. 

Q:  What type of lunch bag should I purchase for my child?
A:  Lunch bags that are soft-sided work the best, as they are easier to pack in the backpack.  We are an eco-friendly school so we appreciate when lunches are sent in containers that can be taken home or recycled. To help your child with the transition, you can even practice during the summer eating out of their lunch bag so they are familiar with it when they start school. 

Q:  What if my child doesn't want to go to school?
A:  This happens frequently with our youngest students.  They can be very excited for the first day of school and then not want to go back the next day.  Talking about school in a positive way and explaining how you will see them right after school will help ease the anxiety.  Dropping students off in the yard and leaving right away also helps.  While they may cry for you, generally, students stop crying once you leave and have a wonderful day!  We will work with you and your child through this transition to ensure that they have a wonderful start to the school year.

Kindergarten at St. Jerome

Q:  My child has a severe allergy. How do I know he/she will be safe at school?
A:  All students with allergies will be required to fill out a form that the office will provide.  Your child's picture will be made available to all staff so they know who our students are who require EpiPens.  Your child must wear their EpiPens in a fanny pack at all times while at school.  We are a nut-safe school and we educate both students and parents on what food products are not allowed at school. 

Q:  When will my child have Physical Education?
A:  Students have Physical Education three times per week in the gymnasium and participate in Health and Drama and Dance the other two days. Please ensure your child has non-marking (preferably white-soled) running shoes with velcro and not shoelaces for their time in the gym.

Q:  When can my child visit the library?
A:  Students have scheduled library visits once per week for book exchange. They will get to sign out and keep their library book at home for one week at a time. 

Q:  What should I pack my child for lunch/snacks?
A:  Please keep in mind that healthy food choices are appreciated. Any food packages or containers should be easy for your child to open and clean up. Many packages can be partially opened by you at home to allow your child some success in opening the snack themselves. A general rule of thumb is – if they make a mess with it at home – they will make a mess at school.  We find that labeling their food 1 (morning snack) 2 (lunch) 3  (afternoon snack) assists them in eating healthily. Discuss at home what food they would like to eat and make them an active part in deciding what to bring. We find this results in a lot less food coming home uneaten because they do not like it. Also, remember that St. Jerome is a nut-free school.  We do our best to make sure that all our students eat their lunches.   If lunch is not being eaten, you may want to assess the type of food or how many snacks you are sending. 

Still have a question? Click here to ask. We will find you an answer as soon as possible!