St. Brother André CHS

ShareLife Fundraising Week

April 6th to 9th, 2021

Brought to you by SBA Chaplaincy and the Faith Development Council

What does ShareLife do?

Donations help to support over 40 agencies that serve those in need, regardless of faith, age or background.

(Click on the images below to learn more)

Family Services

ShareLife agencies provide counselling, support groups and care for individuals or families experiencing mental health issues, divorce, separation, grief, trauma, etc.


Your donations could help in initiating resettlements, resettlement services & support for immigrants and refugees to Canada.

People with special needs

ShareLife agencies support people with a wide range of special needs, including Deaf people, people with developmental disabilities, and people suffering from addiction.

Other services:

International development and missions, services to seniors, young parents, youth and vocation services.

How do I donate online?

The donations portal is now open - start donating now to ensure we reach the goal for our teacher challenges!

The minimum donation amount for a tax receipt is $10. All tax receipts will be issued by ShareLife.

Two-step donation process:

Step 1: E-transfer

Make an e-transfer from your bank account to

Many financial institutions have waived their e-transfer fees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please check with your financial institution if you have any questions about how to make an e-transfer or email transfer.

Step 2: Google Form

Complete this YCDSB 2021 ShareLife Campaign Form.

Filling out this form will allow the school to track your donation so your contribution can be added to our school’s tally. This form will also allow for a charitable tax receipt to be issued to you from ShareLife if your donation is $10 or more.

Events for the week of April 6th to 9th, 2021


Homeroom Kahoot! & ShareLife video

There will be prizes for the winners and their homeroom teachers!

Wednesday & Thursday

Civvies Days

Donate in person or online, then wear Easter colours or Green and White for ShareLife. Donation boxes will be in homerooms cohorts A and B.


Among Us Tournament

Fill out this form to register after first making a $2 donation online.


Teacher challenges

If we raise $2000, Ms. Miranda gets a pie in her face, Ms. Alamparambil will cut her hair and Mr. Kim jumps a rope with weights.

If we raise $3000, Ms. Viney gets taped to a wall, Ms. Alamparambil will dye her hair the school colours, and Mr. Chow will shave his head!


Contact to get more information on ShareLife week at SBA.