Mastery Connect Training

The following tasks are designed to meet you where you are as the instructor using Mastery Connect. Review each task and determine your specific needs and skill level. Please note, completion of each step, in it's entirety, should be done BEFORE you move on to subsequent tasks.

Task 1

Getting Started

  1. Set up your MC wall by adding a photo
  2. Edit your profile core settings so that they all
  3. Follow LaShandra Smith- Rayfield & your teachers/admin
  4. Watch the 1st video on how to create a Curriculum map
  5. Create a map for a current/future class
  6. Color code units and input standards from your CBE maps in the drive
  7. Create trackers for each of your course (see facilitator if your classes are not listed in Mastery Connect

Task 2

Curriculum Alignment

1. Ensure that each unit has the following:

  • 1 CCC (or aligned CCR) for each power standard minimum
  • Related content area standards

Below you will find links to all the YCCS competency standards and content area standards.

Content Standards

The "Sheet"

The "Short Sheet"

Task 3

Assessments & Resources

This will be done in Word or Google Docs

  1. Choose an assessment to revise
  2. Adjust formatting to allow for labeling of standards
  3. Label your questions with the aligned standards (1 per question or group of questions)
  4. Download the the rubric creator

Rubric Creator

  • Select the appropriate standards
  • Copy and paste rubric into Word and add assignment guidelines for students*
*This rubric and the assignment guidelines must be uploaded into MC. Please do not add any assessments/assignments without documentation.
  • In student friendly language give a task description for the EOL related to the rubric

In Mastery Connect

  1. Watch brief video on adding assessments (optional)
  2. Open your map and add an assessment
  3. Align the questions and standard from the hard copy to the assessment in MC
  4. Upload the related document

Task 4


  1. Locate the EOL, ALS or Aventa maps in the Drive

Curriculum Map Templates

  1. Using the CBE standards present create a map for use with the EOLs only in Mastery Connect
  2. Using the rubric creator, create a rubric aligned to the EOL standards

In Word or Google Doc

  1. Copy and paste the rubric into a word document and add assignment guidelines for students*
*This rubric and the assignment guidelines must be uploaded into MC. Please do not add any assessments/assignments without documentation.

Rubric Creator

  1. In student friendly language give a task description for the EOL related to the rubric

In Mastery Connect

  1. Watch brief video on adding assessments (optional)
  2. Open your map and add an assessment
  3. Align the questions and standard from the hard copy to the assessment in MC
  4. Upload the related document