
Below are images with links to websites that your child may wish to use. Please look carefully to see which websites apply to your child.         

Mathletics - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Spelling Shed - Year 1 and Year 2

Maths Shed  - Year 1 and Year 2

Time Tables Rockstars - Year 2

NumBots - Year 1

Phonics Play - Nursery and Reception (Username: March20  Password: home)

Teach Your Monster to Read - Nursery and Reception

Cosmic Kids Yoga - All year groups

Go Noodle - All year groups

Ten Town - Nursery and Reception

Oxford Owls - All year groups

Imagination Tree - All year groups

ICT Games - All year groups

BBC EYFS Radio and Nursery Rhymes - Nursery and Reception

Thinkuknow - Online Safety for all Pre-Prep; Jessie and Friends animation
