What's New in Fourth Grade?

Fourth grade is an exciting year! You're the oldest students at YES and role models for the second and third graders. You also have increasing responsibilities and some new opportunities as learners! Here are just a few:

Band and Chorus. Students may choose to participate in either or both of these musical opportunities. Chorus with Mrs. Troy is held during Fourth Grade Hour, which is 11:25-12:25 on Thursdays. Band lessons with Mr. C. are held just before and just after lunch/recess time, so students miss recess on their lesson day. More details will be coming this fall. We are extremely fortunate in Yarmouth to have such an incredible music program!

Science and Social Studies. Our content area studies will be interwoven with our reading and writing curriculum, but we will also have some separate time to study the subjects independently. This year we will study:

  • Maine: From Natural Resources to Major Industries
  • Motion and Design
  • Maine's People and Their Role in History
  • Life Science: Traits, Diversity, and Selection

We will also go on several field trips this year to support our Maine studies.