Welcome to Science!

Mr. Thombs

Hello, my name is Dylan Thombs (he/his/him). I am one of the 9th Grade Science teachers and CP environmental teacher. I am in my third year of teaching at Yarmouth High School, and am looking forward to a great year. I am also the head coach of the nordic ski team and assistant coach to the cross country team .

I know that this year is going to look very different, and that there are many uncertainties as we move forward. I am confident however that as a compassionate learning community we will make this year a success. I look forward to working with my students and make a difference for all leaners!


I have a BA in Environmental Science with a concentration in Ecology, and a minor in Teacher Education from Bates College. While teaching is what I have wanted to do for the majority of my adult life, I have also worked as a camp councilor, forester, maintenance/handy person, and lifeguard. I have also dabbled in farming, and have somewhat mastered the art of composting. If it has anything to do with the outdoors you will find me doing it!

Why I teach:

I cannot think of a time in my life when I was not involved or deeply connected to teaching others. I learned early on that my life’s passion was working with people to create strong, resilient communities that cared deeply for one another and the world we have inherited. For me, this manifested itself in teaching science. Science has the ability to unlock vast potential, eradicating many of the world’s problems, and it is for these reasons I have come to love science. I understand that not every student will go on to study science (what a boring world that would be), but what I hope is that I help to create a culture of respect and inquiry within all students. If my students leave my classroom questioning the world around them in order to create lasting, more caring communities, I will have done my job as an educator.

Teaching Style:

When it comes to my teaching style I place a heavy emphasis on real world application and dialogue; I attempt to make it as relatable as I can for all students. I am extremely interested in using our place to understand the world around us. By grounding our scientific knowledge in place we might better understand ourselves and our role in our own environments.


Dylan Thombs

Email: dylan_thombs@yarmouthschools.org

Address: 286 W Elm Street, Yarmouth ME 04096