Mr. Abbott

Mr. Abbott

A native of Yarmouth, I graduated from Yarmouth High School in 1996, and went to Yarmouth Elementary School back when it was called the Intermediate School! Although the playground has changed (the Tiretanic is gone!) many things at Yarmouth Elementary School feel very similar to the 1980s, including the devotion of the teaching staff to the students.

After Yarmouth, I graduated from Dartmouth College, where I majored in Russian and was involved with the Urban Summer Internship program. This program brought me to Newark, New Jersey where I had the opportunity to work with at-risk youth at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Newark. This experience lit a fire in me for teaching, and after graduating I moved to Brooklyn, New York and became a New York City Teaching Fellow. I spent the next ten years teaching at a challenging school with a heart of gold in Brownsville, Brooklyn. After taking in all that NYC had to offer, including two Masters degrees in Education from Brooklyn College, my wife Heather and I decided we were ready for a change of pace and knew in our hearts that we belonged in Maine. We have started our own family here, with the addition of our daughter, Hazel, who is four years old, and Oscar and Rose, who just turned two in August.

I am indescribably excited to be teaching at Yarmouth, and look forward to sharing my experiences with my students this year. I can't wait to hear all about what makes my students excited, and look forward to help build the community that started me on my journey.