MHHS Astronomy Club

Due to Covid-19 rules and regulations, club meetings will be determined as we figure out a schedule.

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"Astronomy compels the soul to look upward, and leads us from this world to another."

— Plato


Stargazing Events:

Stargazings are open to the public for all ages. We are trying to host one per month, check this site for updates on specific dates, times, and places. Dress warm, it gets cold! We'll plan to start just before sunset to set up telescopes. If you need help with a telescope, it's best to join a group where someone can help you. No flashlights unless it has a red filter, night vision can take up to 20 minutes to regain. Please warn people if you need to turn your headlights on when leaving. Feel free to ask what others are looking at, but do not adjust telescopes without permission.

Looking forward to seeing you out there!

Next Stargazing Event:


Google Calendar of Astronomical Events