8th Grade

Assignments & Homework: Assignments/ Homework are listed below on the day assigned, and unless specified in the date range are due the following day in class. Scanned copies of the assignments are linked in the description of each assignment, and can be viewed by clicking on the assignment. Viewing rights have been shared with these assignments, allowing you to print the file or copy the questions down if you don't have access to a printer, should you accidentally leave it at school.

Classroom Policies & Procedures:


  • Respect (Yourself, others, and your environment)
  • Preparation (Be where you are suppose to be, when you are suppose to be, doing what you are suppose to be doing!)
  • Responsibility (For yourself and your actions- Don't let something someone else does make you do something you shouldn't.)
  • Perseverance (Work hard and always put forth your best effort)


  1. A mark is given, resulting in loss of a point for being prepared or for behavior that week. (Points count towards end of 9-weeks PBIS Celebration)
  2. 2nd Mark given
  3. 3rd Mark in a week= Lunch Detention
  • Repetitive offense of rules will result in Office Referral. Severe offenses will bypass all other consequences and warrant immediate office referral.

Math is a skill much like playing a musical instrument, it must be practiced. For this reason, students will have homework regularly. Assignments are meant to be completed and returned to school the following day. Due to a high number of incomplete homework assignments, so early in the school year, student are being issued a pink slip for any assignment not turned in and/or completed.