
Courses taught as Teaching Fellow

Spring 2022, LING146/PSYC326/WGSS145: Language and Gender. Instructor: Natalie Weber.

Responsibilities: grading; weekly office hours; help facilitate discussion during class.

Fall 2021, LING110: Introduction to Linguistics. Instructor: Claire Bowern.

Responsibilities: lead two weekly discussion sections; assignment grading; main course lecture on phonetics.

Spring 2020, LING116/CGSC216/PSYC116: Cognitive Science of Language. Instructor: Bob Frank.

Responsibilities: grading; collaborated on creation of assignments and exams; delivered main course lecture on vowel harmony & autosegmental representations; held regular office hours and advised on student projects

Fall 2019, LING202: The Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript. Instructor: Claire Bowern.

Responsibilities: delivered main course lecture on writing systems; assignment grading; held regular office hours, advised on student projects

Fall 2018, LING219: Evolution of Language & Culture. Designated Writing Course (WR). Instructor: Claire Bowern.

Responsibilities: led supplemental course sessions with large focus on teaching coding in R and phylogenetic software; assignment grading and writing feedback; held regular office hours and advised on student projects