Hao MA
I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in Accounting at ESSEC Business School, currently on the job market for 2024-2025. During my PhD, I visited Yale University. Prior to joining ESSEC Business School, I earned a Master's degree in Economics from Peking University and a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Sichuan University.
My primary research interests lie in labor and accounting, auditing, disclosure, and financial analysts. Specifically, I use the setting of auditing, particularly Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), to answer broad economic questions, including the effect of regulation, the role of information disclosure, and the impact of the accountant labor market on financial reporting.
I am very fortunate to have received guidance from Prof. Daniel Aobdia, Prof. Ping-Sheng Koh, Prof. Anya Nakhmurina, Prof. Robert Stoumbos, Prof. Jacob Thomas, and Prof. Frank Zhang.