Welcome to
St. John-Redeemerat the corner of BROADWAY and PINE in Centralia, IllinoisAll are welcome. There is a place for you here.We are ...
St. John's Episcopal Church
PO Box 1512
Centralia, Illinois
... and we are ...
Redeemer Lutheran Church, ELCA
PO Box 501
Centralia, Illinois
Please join us for Worship:
Holy Communion
Sundays 11:30 am
Thursdays 5:00 pm
Thursdays 5:00 pm
Morning Prayer
Tuesday-Friday 8:30 am
Evening Prayer
Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30 pm
See the Calendar below for additional services or cancellations.
700 East Broadway
Corner of Broadway and Pine
Centralia, Illinois
(618) 532-3767
email us at: broadwayandpine@gmx.com
We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person — questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. Think of Sunday as your grace period! Need a change of pace? A fresh start for your week? Worship with us at St. John's and Redeemer.
We are easy to find. We are on Facebook and YouTube at the links below. We would also love to see you in person at the corner of Broadway and Pine in Centralia.
Below is a listing of our typical Worship, Bible Study, and Kid's Ministry offerings for the week.
We worship together at 11:30am and stay for coffee and treats afterward. All are welcome!
Brown Bag Bible Bunch is a fun group that enjoys digging deeper into the Word and weekly topics.
Messy Church has fun with music, puppets, games, and snacks!
Midweek Eucharist is a comfortable spoken Holy Communion worship experience lasting around 30 minutes.
You can make a donation to Redeemer Lutheran using Tithe.ly by clicking HERE.