Weekly activities

WEEKLY 16  17th to 23rd  April

WordBook Weekly 16 Golden Buzzer.docx.pdf

WEEKLY 15  10th to 16th  April

WordBook Weekly 15 Schools in the UK.pdf

WEEKLY 14  3rd to 9th  April

WordBook Weekly 14 Who invented pizza_.docx.pdf

WEEKLY 13  27th march to 2nd April

WordBook Weekly 13 what does the heart also do.pdf

WEEKLY 12  20th to 26th march

WordBook Weekly 12 Escola Juncadella.pdf

WEEKLY 11  13th to 19th march

WordBook Weekly 11 Escola Guilleries.pdf

WEEKLY 10  6th to 12th march

WordBook Weekly 10 Caldes de Malavella.docx (1).pdf

WEEKLY 9  27th february to 5th march

WordBook Weekly 9 TRIAS.docx (1).pdf

WEEKLY 8  20th to 26th february

WordBook Weekly 8 SSH.doc.docx

WEEKLY 7  13rd february to 5th march

Per veure el vídeo cal clicar on diu mira'l a You Tube

WordBook Weekly 7 FEDAC ANGLÈS Weekly activity_ Saint Valentines day.docx

WEEKLY 6  6th to 12th february

WordBook Weekly 6 The seasons escola sant jordi.docx

WEEKLY 5  30th January to 5th february

WordBook Weekly 5 Big ben GASPAR de Queralt 22.docx

WEEKLY 4  23rd to 29th January 

WordBook Weekly 4 The Story of xmas tree ESC Verdaguer.docx.pdf

WEEKLY 3  16th to 22nd January 

Let's visit the USA.png
WordBook Weekly 3 Let's visit the USA El Bruc.docx

WEEKLY 2  2nd to 15th January

WordBook Weekly 2 Pompeu Fabra 22-23 Queen.docx

WEEKLY 1   19th December to 15th January

WordBook Weekly 1 Christmas traditions around the world.docx