This year our school is participating in an English Competition for Catalan Schools called FONIX 2018

Teams (groups of 2 or 3) present a mini-project in the form of an animated presentation, mini-video, etc. about having healthy lifestyle, especially for teenagers.

The winners will spend 2 weeks at an English summer camp !!!!!!!!!!

Healthy habits

You know that healthy habits, such as eating well, exercising, and avoiding harmful substances, make sense, but did you ever stop to think about why you practice them? A healthy habit is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental, and emotional health. According to Mayo Clinic (Rochester, USA) these habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good.

Healthy habits are hard to develop and often require changing your mindset. Here are five benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Controls weight / Improves mood / Combats diseases / Boosts energy / Improves longetivity.


Think about it...

Bad or unhealthy diets and lack of exercise cause obesity

Eating right and exercising regularly can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight.

There are many health problems which can be caused by obesity.

Coronary heart disease, diabetes, and damage to weight-bearing joints (such as your knees) are the main ones.

Social problems are probably worse for kids...

 Who wants to be called bad names?

 Who wants to be left out of games and teams?

 Who wants to have a hard time finding friends?

If a friend has a problem with obesity, then you can be a good friend by...

 eating good stuff yourself and encouraging them to do the same

 playing together in an active way

 getting them to join in sports lessons by encouragement

 helping them to practice sports skills

 doing something active together after school, like walking the dog or bike riding, rather than watching TV or playing video games.

 telling the teacher if your friend is being teased or called unkind names - this is a type of bullying that no one should have to suffer

 saying nice things about the things they do that you think are great - such as a nice smile, skills such as playing a musical instrument or being good at sports.

Adapted from

Get a Mobile phone

Let's play

Here you'll find some infos about this topic to start with:

NHS Healthy Eating Animation

The top 5 mistakes ...

If you can't read GO TO...

and there are many more ...

Other sources of interest:

Gencat. cat (familia i escola)

  • Programa Bon Profit
  • Tallers d'educació nutricional a través del teatre on es treballa la prevenció de problemes relacionats amb una alimentació deficient o desequilibrada
  • Programa Bon Profit (Vídeo)
  • Vídeo sobre els tallers “Bon profit”, Tallers d’educació nutricional a través del teatre.
  • Videoclip "verdura i peix"
  • Videoclip del grup Xiula, de la cançó “Verdura i Peix”.
  • Salut Jove
  • Portal de la Generalitat de Catalunya enfocat a oferir informació sobre diferents qüestions relacionades amb la salut.
  • Decàleg de l’alimentació saludable
  • Artícle de Faros (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu) amb consells per a una alimentació sana i equilibrada.