Keep up with Xmas Magic

Project's timeline

Colorful Modern Business Chronology Timeline Infographic (1).pdf

The spark of this project's idea...

We should admit that whenever we have dinner together, creativity is one more guest at our table. This time, we had help from 4 Santa little Helpers. Our own children had the original idea of a play during Xmas and the rest is history...

Step 1: The original material 

In Torre del Palau, the Foreign Language department believe that culture and literature are great sources of material to deal with languages in class. Moreover, who is going to talk about Shakespeare, Dikens or Moliere if we don't? Every Summer, our students have an interesting homework. 1st BTX students need to read The Xmas Pig, by JK Rowling. The original final product is a booktube they have to record based on that novel, so we took it as a starting point of our Christmas project. Batxillerat students also create a story in the shape of a book about it and also rehearse its Christmas play for a very demanding target audience: children who are just 4 and 5-year-old, all students from Sant Jordi school in Mollet del Vallès.

But there are other objectives in mind when dealing with this story, the SDGs. There are several that are present throught the tale:

SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

SDG 16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: The project promotes values such as collaboration, understanding, and creativity, which are essential for building a more just and peaceful society.

However, there are two more that both 12th Graders and infant students promote while involved in "Keep up the Xmas Magic":

SDG 9: Technology and Content Creation: The use of artificial intelligence and other new technologies for educational content creation (such as the illustrated story) is a clear example of how the project aligns with SDG 9. This integration of technology promotes innovation in education.

SDG 4 (Quality Education): Through reading the book "The Xmas Pig," creating content like Booktubes, performing in a play, and producing an illustrated story, students are immersed in a practical, engaging, and meaningful learning experience. Infant students have the oportnity to attend to a theatre play related to the vocabulary and language content relevant for the syllaubus in class.

If you want to know more, we suggest you to check our Red tape section.

Sounds like a bit challenge right? It was, indeed! but their reaction and way of working has been so extraordinary and surpassing that we thought it was worthy to share this simple, yet powerful teaching experience with he rest of World! And even present it as a candidate for the well-known APAC awards 2023, category B. 


Step 2: We trigger 2nd BTX students' attention

At the beginning of the 2nd BTX course, our students learn about the main 2nd BTX project dealing with the book, a booktube, which is part of their speaking final 1st term grade.

Artistic and Escènic BTX students also receive the following video recorded by Maria, the English teacher from the infant education groups  in which she asks them for some help!

It was an excellent way to spice up the project from the beginning and engage Batxillerat students in doing something for a real audience.

Step 3: Batxillerat students create the script for the theatre play with the aid of AI. They also create the stories to help infant students understand the plot.

After talking to our helpers, Maria and I decided to create a play. We used the AI (ChatGPT) to help us create the play. We did so, not because we were bored to do it ourselves, but we wanted to start experiementing in first hand how we could start embracing Artificial intelligence in our English lessons. Moreover, this is exactly what Maria is also researching for her PHD. 

The AI invented the plot of the story. What we did was to get the summary provided by Wikipedia and asked the AI to make a short story for kids and a play, afterwards. 

Furthermore, Àlex asked the AI to provide with some use of English mistakes (B2-C1 level) 2nd of BTX students could find in the text while reading it for the first time. Their main task was to correct the mistakes and provide with feedback to improve the play they were going to represent in front fo the infant education children in December. 

Here you have the play with the mistakes provided.

In the end, the play was given the green light and 2nd BTX artistic and escènic students had to 3  rellevant jobs to do:

Creating stories and images for kidergarten student's tales

Our older students are also embarked on creating captivating images inspired by J.K. Rowling's book, The Xmas Pig that will go alonge with the text they are also preparing with the escenic students. These imaginative works of art will come together to form a delightful fairy tale, carefully crafted by the artistic prowess of the elder students. The younger students at Sant Jordi School will enjoy the story before receiving our scenic students on the 14th of December. They are going to represent the story in front of them. Here you have some of the images that will accompany the story in their early stages.

The 1st final product: The Xmas Story

productsproductsHereHere you have the 1st final product related to the story in question: Tales for 4 and 5 year old students.

2nd of BTX learners got the play and uploaded it in the AI app. Some chose Chatgpt, other Bing and others Claude2.

Surprisingly, or not, none of the groups were satisfied with the result. The teachers already knew it, we had tried it first. However, they got the text provided as a base for their final products. It's been an enriching experiment to directly assess the effectiveness of artificial intelligence in their foreign language learning, sparking insightful discussions in class about its merits and drawbacks. This experience has opened up a significant space for reflection on both the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing AI in education. 

Here you have a checklist of what was being taken into consideration when assessing their stories. The students engaged in a collaborative process, conducting peer assessments of their classmates while also self-assessing their own work. 

Here you have the final products with the ebooks of the story. Below you can see some examples. We hope you enjoy them! 

Step 4: and the youngest students? They start learning all about Xmas

They also create a video for our oldest students... However, they don't know it was  actually for them...

In November, immediately following their Halloween project, Maria excitedly informed her students that they were about to embark on an enchanting journey into the world of Christmas traditions. The children in her infant education classes, aged 4 and 5, eagerly anticipate this topic, as the sheer MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS resonates deeply within their hearts and minds. 

They brainstormed ideas on what they would like to do in their English lessons and they came up with two main proposals: singing a christmas carols to their families in December and enjoy a Christmas story/tale about Santa Claus. Actually, children had the idea to invite Santa to Sant Jordi school and he could be the one telling them a Xmas story. Maria, loved the idea and found the excuse to make them speak in English: sending a video to Santa Claus who is in the North Pole getting ready for Christmas and ask him to visit them and enjoy a tale together! This is the very same video that Batxillerat students recieved and so, It was their first glimpse of their new little friends!

No need to say this video got the older students really excited to do an awesome Christmas project to keep up the christmas magic!

Enjoy some of the videos that our students did in order to send it to Santa Claus. They understood they had to speak English to him since it is the language he knows in order to talk to all the children of the World.










Step 5: Infant education receive an answer from Santa Claus!

Of couse, Santa Claus was too busy at the moment to come and visit us in Mollet, so he sent us a cute video, with a little help of Artificial intelligence, saying he won't make it but his amazing helpers from Terrassa will! Here, it is when infant education students discovered they were really going to enjoy a Xmas play in English! How exciting! their wishes came really true!

Kids' reaction to Santa's special message!

They got really excited about Santa Claus visiting, but then felt a bit let down when they found out he couldn't make it. But they perked up when they learned that some of Santa's friends would come by to tell a cool Xmas story about the Christmas Pig. They were happy to get a storybook from Santa too, so they could understand the play and have a blast when it happens. 

Step 6: 4-5 years old create a Christmas surprise for their older new friends: a Xmas tree made with lots of love


Step 7: Understanding & enjoying the adapted versions of the Xmas Pig

Batxillerat students have sent many different digital versions of the same tale in order to prepare young students for the theatre play in December. 

Some of them are quite difficult but with support from their teacher they end up understanding what is going on and its sweet ending.


Step 8: Preparing the play with our escenic teacher.

Get ready to be wowed by our awesome Escenic students! These guys are cooking up something super cool for you. Picture this: a mix of drama, Xmas tradition, and music that will totally blow your mind. They've put their hearts into it, crafting a story based on a pagetuner, the Xmas Pig. Our Escenic crew is bringing the fun to kindergarten students in Sant Jordi School. Here you have a spark on how they have been developing their talent and rehearsing their roles in the play, while working with their escenic teacher. Just a spark! You have the real play at the bottom of this section.

Step 9: Infant education students rehearsing their Xmas surprise for batxillerat students: Xmas Carols

Our little 4 and 5-year-old stars in Sant Jordi School are eagerly preparing themselves for Santa's friends' visit and the festive joy of Christmas! These adorable kiddos are diving into the holiday spirit with cheery Christmas songs that echo through the halls. Crafting their magic with hands-on projects and learning carols to sing to Santa and their families during the festivities, the xmas joy is spread all around the school. They embrace the season with laughter, dirty hands, and the pure delight that only the magic of Christmas can bring.

Step 10:The play and the booktubes

The main source of material is The Xmas Pig, a novel written by JK Rowling. Students read it during summer, as it has already been explained in step 1. All 2nd BTX students deal with this book and we usually have to create a Booktube, which is the source of a speaking grade at the end of their 1st term. However, this year, we also did everything we describe in this website.

In order to make a booktube, Batxillerat students are given some scaffolding and examples:

Booktube scaffolding -Learn all about this task with

Example provided by the teacher in order to serve as a "good model"

Do you want to see some of their Booktubes? Our student's booktubes

Here you can also find the rubric teachers in Torre del Palau use to assess and provide feedback for this activity. Hope you find it useful!

The Xmas play on the 14th of December in Sant Jordi school

Here you have the play 2nd BTX students performance in front of 4 and 5-year-old kids in Sant Jordi's school.

Despite the fact of being a challenging audience, all kids and their teachers loved it and said that we could do this project every year together!

For Maria's students, this activity is not only fantastic but also cost-free! This is especially important as they have limitations on additional expenses such as outings due to the socio-economic circumstances of most families in the school. 


12 graders' performace 

in front of I4 students


12 graders' performance 

in front of I5 students


I4 students' surprize for 12th Graders


I5 students' surprize for 12th Graders