"In the school hall stands a magnificent map of Europe adorned with a plethora of photographs depicting the diverse experiences and opportunities facilitated by the EU Erasmus+ funding. These captivating images capture the various student mobilities, teacher training courses, and job shadowings undertaken by our dedicated educators.

Each photograph symbolizes an invaluable opportunity for students, teachers, and the entire school community to foster a deeper European awareness. Moreover, they serve as a means to enhance English language proficiency, broaden our network of partnerships, and enrich our collective life experiences.

Together, these endeavors not only enrich individual lives but also contribute to the overarching goal of fostering a more interconnected and culturally enriched society."

A giant map of Europe exhibited in the school hall, with all the different countries visited thanks to the EU Erasmus + funds.  Students mobilities, teacher training courses and job shadowings.

Arlet and Sara, happy to point the two partner countries of our Erasmus project 2023-24: Ireland and Portugal


disseminating ERASMUS & ETWINNING


Disseminating ERASMUS & ETWINNING to the local community. Navàs 1st march '24 

The "School in the Street" fair held yesterday was a vibrant celebration of education and creativity, drawing in the entire school community alongside other inhabitants from the surrounding area. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as visitors explored the various stalls showcasing student projects and initiatives.

One standout attraction was the eTwinning and Erasmus stall, which featured a captivating art mural titled "2 Ocean Wave." Constructed from meticulously arranged pieces of plastic and paper in shades of blues and whites, this mural served as a poignant reminder to reconsider our impact on the environment. Through this artistic masterpiece, the message resonated loud and clear: it's time to rethink our relationship with the oceans and take action. What made this mural even more special was the fact that it was a collaborative effort involving all the students, highlighting the collective commitment to environmental stewardship as part of the Erasmus project "Wat@rt."

Accompanying the mural was the exhibition of the Wat@rt calendar, showcasing the culmination of students' efforts in raising awareness about environmental issues. Additionally, visitors were invited to participate in the engaging game "Guess the Word and Plant a Seed," where guessing the word correctly earned them a piece of handmade paper embedded with seeds and petals, symbolizing the potential for growth and renewal.

The stall also featured the material produced for the eTwinning project titled "The Magic Trip of a Wooden Robot Making European Friends." Among the highlights was a charming travel diary created by fifth graders, brimming with insights about their group, school, town, and country, alongside adorable handmade robots. The anticipation of sending this material to Germany added an extra layer of excitement and pride for the families involved.

As visitors explored the stall, they were greeted by towering cardboard box structures housing creative dioramas depicting fascinating animals, each accompanied by a soft toy carrying a meaningful message advocating for the protection of wildlife. The sheer creativity and passion evident in these displays left a lasting impression on all who attended, reinforcing the importance of nurturing creativity and environmental consciousness in education.

Overall, the "School in the Street" fair was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of the students while fostering a sense of community and environmental responsibility among all who participated.

Through this artistic masterpiece, the message resonated loud and clear: it's time to rethink our relationship with the oceans and take action.

Towering cardboard box structures housing creative dioramas depicting fascinating animals, each accompanied by a soft toy carrying a meaningful message advocating for the protection of wildlife. 

Visitors were invited to participate in the engaging game "Guess the Word and Plant a Seed," where guessing the word correctly earned them a piece of handmade paper embedded with seeds and petals, symbolizing the potential for growth and renewal.

A visitor child playing with " avàs town" scornabots tour, made by 4th graders.

Empowering Student Educators: Insights from Erasmus and eTwinning Projects

Seven 6th-grade students took the spotlight as they showcased their Erasmus and eTwinning projects during an enlightening online session within a teacher training course led by the school's eTwinning ambassador. This course, organized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya, provided a platform for sharing innovative educational practices.

Throughout the session, these young presenters elucidated their projects' myriad experiences and activities to the attending primary, secondary, and vocational studies teachers. Additionally, they adeptly demonstrated a diverse array of digital tools utilized within the projects, offering firsthand insight into their technological proficiency.

The experience proved to be transformative for the students, who exuded pride in their role as educators to the attending teachers. Similarly, the participants were enthralled by the tangible possibilities inherent in eTwinning and Erasmus projects, witnessing firsthand how these initiatives contribute to achieving educational objectives, fostering student and teacher motivation, and enriching European cultural awareness.

FRIENDS 2030 presented as a model of good practice of Blended learning 

29th February 2024 

Embracing Blended Learning: An Erasmus and eTwinning Teacher Training Session Organized by the Department of Education of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

During an online event, the school's eTwinning ambassador and Erasmus coordinator from Sant Josep School presented the collaborative project "FRIENDS 2030," funded by Erasmus and eTwinning.

Inclusion and cooperative learning are fundamental aspects of the project's pedagogy, where students engage in collaborative tasks that foster mutual understanding and teamwork. This approach seamlessly integrates various stages of the project, from pre-mobility preparations to the activities during and after the mobility experiences.

Through this holistic approach, students not only benefit from mobility experiences but also develop vital skills and competencies that prepare them for the challenges of the future."

"Wat@rt" mobility in Portugal

Students from Ireland and Catalonia met their partners from Portugal in October to learn and develop activities about  Water, environmental issues, cultural heritage and  european awareness.

Here are the main goals of the learning programme:


Local Digital newspaper  23rd-28th October 2023

Students of Grade 6 Sant josep school, Ireland and Portugal


Navàs, September '23. Aina and Eva, the two teachers who attended an innovative teacher course in Prague in Summer , shared their learnings and experiences to the whole school teachers team.

It was such a useful experience that some teachers put some games in practice during the families meeting at the beginning of the school year. And other teachers also used some of the games that Eva and iana taught to several class-groups in primary. Here are some of the games they explained :

" Build the highest tower in a cooperative way", Let's play while we are learning to read " 


Amazing afternoon last 8th June in Sant Josep Navàs.

Pupils ,families and teachers gathered in the community Theatre from 3 to 5 in the afternoon.

Students presented their project to the families and their school partners.

They also asked the audience to interact by asking them questions related to the project.

At the end of the presentation, families even answered a survey and gave their opinion.

Pupils boosted their oral skills and reinforced their self-confidence while presenting in front of an audience.

It was a very fruitful experience !

At the end of the presentation the teachers gave them a certificate of participation to the project and a little gift : an eTwinning notebook and a sustainable lunch box.

Thank you students , teachers and families for trusting " Street art: the talking walls"


Un grup d'onze alumnes de sisè de primària del col·legi Sant Josep de Navàs i dues mestres van participar en el projecte Erasmus 22-23 «Friends 2030» a Bobbio, al nord d'Itàlia, juntament amb catorze alumnes francesos i quinze italians. El projecte, emmarcat dins l'Acreditació Erasmus 2022-27, està focalitzat en l'aprenentatge dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible de l'agenda 2030. Durant la setmana van aprendre noves disciplines relacionades amb la igualtat de gènere, l'educació de qualitat, la vida sota l'aigua i la vida a la terra. L'alumnat va dissenyar l'escola dels seus somnis, van descobrir el patrimoni cultural de la zona de la Reggio Emilia i van crear nous vincles d'amistat entre els companys europeus.Digital article on the media of the Community Council

"FRIENDS 2030", hosting our parnters from France and Italy

13th - 19th March 2023

Warm welcome

The whole school community  and the Town Mayor welcomed the French and I talian partners of " Friends 2030" Erasmus + project 2022-23

Family cultural dinner

Traditional food, dances and performances 

Social media

A pencil for everyone

A bag for students and teachers

A cup for the teachers

A T-shirt for students and teachers

Col.legi Sant Josep de Navàs Erasmus a Catalunya, 13-19 de Març 2022

L'alumnat del col·legi Sant Josep de Navàs juntament amb vint-i-sis alumnes d'Itàlia i França van estar desenvolupant activitats en relació al seu projecte «Friends 2030» durant la setmana del 13 al 19 de març. El treball cooperatiu va estar enfocat en l'aprenentatge d'alguns ODS (Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible) mitjançant tallers i sortides culturals. El navassenc Albert Obradors, expert en fotografia, va assessorar els alumnes sobre les tècniques per aconseguir el més mínim detall d'elements de la natura que posteriorment es van convertir en un mosaic a l'estil Gaudí. L'alumnat va participar en un taller al CRAM (Conservació i Recuperació d'Animals Marins), van visitar la Sagrada Família i Montserrat. També van descobrir la colònia tèxtil de l'Ametlla de Merola, i van participar en la caminada solidària organitzada per l'AFA de l'escola, entre altres activitats.

School Fair in the streets 

" Fira al carrer"

Great and exciting day with the whole school community celebrating " The school fair " in the streets. Stalls, workshjops, music, dances and exhibitions were filling the hilarious environment all around. 

Families do not go into the school but the school goes outside and shows its exciting activity all around.

Families and all the local community are invited to come and join the workshops, see the stalls and enjoy the joyful environment created by teachers. students and families together.

A high cardboard boxes tower standing outside the street with the information and images about the most dangerous ways to school. Families can read and see what the students learned together with their European partners.

The stalls have talking robots, murals to be painted, exhibitions to discover the teacher and learning process from the school.

Music and dances are also part of the event.

eTwinning and Erasmus+: the clue to learn English in a different and funny way

UVIC, 25th October 2022. eTwinning ambassador, Fina Vendrell



Teachers, parents and students could taste the delicious snacks


Mum, do you want some bread with chocolate cream?

Baking bread

Making makis

Baking muffins

Cooking vegetable pie

Apple pie

Healthy chocolate cream

The program

Col.legi Sant Josep de Navàs d’Erasmus a França, 9-15 d'octubre 2022

Onze alumnes de sisè de primària  i dues mestres del Col.legi Sant Josep de Navàs han realitzat la seva primera mobilitat Erasmus del curs 22-23 a l’ École Sainte Marie de Dammarie Les Lys de França juntament amb alumnes de Bobbio, Itàlia. Enguany les mobilitats Erasmus del Col.legi Sant Josep de Navàs s’emmarquen dins el projecte “Friends 2030”, el qual té com objectiu promoure un estil de vida saludable, la igualtat de gènere i la cura del nostre entorn, seguint la línia pedagògica del centre. Treballar cooperativament amb alumnes d’altres escoles europees promou el sentit de consciència europea, fomenta la interculturalitat i ajuda a millorar la competència lingüística de l’anglès. 

Durant la setmana, s’han realitzat tallers de nutrició, ioga, microbits i s’ha creat la cançó i el ball del projecte. També s’han dut a terme activitats més lúdiques com “Tree climbing” i “Sightseeing tour around Paris”. Finalment, aquesta  experiència serà transferida als companys i companyes de l’escola i a les famílies en una jornada de difusió Erasmus. 

Online talk with teachers from  SSTT Catalunya Central