Do you fancy a taste of English expression? 

We are two EOIs sharing a project with students of B1 level. It's based on practising our writing and speaking by taking part in different tasks.

EOI Murcia

EOI Murcia is a large school located in the city of Murcia. It offers a variety of language courses, including English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, and Spanish for foreigners. 

EOI Ribera d'Ebre

EOI Ribera d'Ebre is a small school located in the town of Móra d'Ebre, the capital of Ribera d'Ebre, in Tarragona. In fact, it is the smallest EOI in Catalonia. You can study English and French there.

Enrique is the teacher of the two groups of the B1 level taking part in this project: B1 semipresencial and B 1 online

Rosa is the teacher of the two groups of B1 level  taking part in this project: B1 presencial and B1 semipresencial