Number of sessions: 2 sessions


Is it possible that a landscape can trigger our emotions? 

Facing a real landscape, photographed or painted, we can experience different moods that inspire our deeper feelings. 

Romantic painters such as Friedrich and Turner, who exploit the emotional potential of the landscape, make it the true protagonist of their works. 


1. Look at your silhouette. Then think:

2. Use a pencil to trace the landscape’s main lines on a piece of white cardboard.

3. Colour your landscape by using watercolours

IMPORTANT: Begin by painting the lighter colors, leaving white spaces in areas of greater brightness (without using white color but using white paper!). Once the light colors are dry, add the dark colors, superimposing them. The main quality of watercolors is the transparence, it allows to overlay many layers of color and to melt colors together with water, creating very natural effects in landscape elements such as clouds, sea, and fire. 

4. Once the landscape is finished, draw your silhouette of the human figure by using a blcak marker.