
My town theory.pdf

To revise!

My perfect town.pdf

Week from 26th May to 1st June

This week you have to invent your perfect town. Look the document, follow the instructions and watch my examples.

(Cal retornar el mapa, la descripció i el vídeo a mgarriga@escolaelspicots.cat o drive)

Week from 19th to 25th May

This week I propose you these tasks:

Follow the order!

(Retorn automàtic)

My town theory.pdf

1st: Read the information of There is/are "Hi ha".

2nd: Do the activities. Remember: Username (NomCognom4) and password (picots).

3rd: Some games to practice!!

Week from 12th to 18th May

This week I propose you to play with the vocabulary of a town.

Click on the numbers in order. To play more click on the +

(No cal retornar res!)

This week I propose you to listen to a story and to answer some questions about it.

When you finish, you can play some games about the story! (The links are when the story finishes).

Press on the book ➡️, write your name and enjoy the task!

Week from 5th to 11th May

Week from 28th April to 4th May

This week I propose you to write a rhyme. To learn what is a rhyme and how to do it, you have to do the different tasks that are linked and explained in this presentation. Do the activities in order. To return to the index page you must press on the house symbol. Pay attention to the interactive elements! It is a task to return but you will do it through the presentations instructions. Any question you can contact me:mgarriga@escolaelspicots.cat

Aquesta setmana us proposo escriure una rima. Per aprendre què és una rima i com fer-la, haureu de fer les diferents tasques que s’enllacen i s’expliquen en aquesta presentació. Seguiu les activitats en ordre. Per retornar a la pàgina índex heu de clicar la caseta. Fixeu-vos bé amb els elements interactius! És una tasca retornable, però ja veureu que tot es retorna mitjançant les instruccions de la presentació. Qualsevol dubte teniu el meu correu electrònic: mgarriga@escolaelspicots.cat

Week from 20th to 27th April

This week I propose you to do some tasks about the legend of Saint George. You have to read the text and you can do the different activities.

Also, here you have an audiobook about a special dragon! ENJOY IT :)

Week from 14th to 20th April

This week I propose you to do some tasks about animals' descriptions. Press on the photo to access to your worksheets. You must write your username and password:

Usuario: NomCognom4

(NO ACCENTS, Ex. MarionaGarriga4)

Contraseña: picots

When you finish, press the blue button "TERMINADO" and you will see your corrections.