Week 5 - Lesson 1: SQUARE NUMBERS

Long Term Learning Target:

I can recall or work out the first 12 square numbers.

I can recall or work out the fist 5 cube numbers.

I can apply square and cube roots as the inverse of squaring and cubing.

Gaps in your knowledge

When I looked at your work on area in Hegarty Maths last week it was clear that lots of you had some gaps in your knowledge about square numbers and cube numbers.

This week I have changed my plan and given you some additional Hegarty Maths (99, 100, 101) to help with you with this.

In our session we have looked at:


You need to memorise the first 12 square numbers:

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144


You need to memorise the first 5 cube numbers:

1, 8, 27, 64, 125


You need to know that square roots are the inverse function of squaring.

For example when we say:

"What is the square root of 100?"

We are asking:

"What number multiplied by itself gives an answer of 100?"

The answer to this is 10.

We can write this maths fact two ways:

10² = 100

(10 squared is equal to 100)

√100 = 10

(so the square root of 100 is equal to 10)