
Exam Board: OCR SHP History B

(Schools History Project)

Grading System: 9-1

What does my son or daughter need to know for History?

1. Knowledge of the course:

  • Thematic Study: Crime and Punishment, c.1250 to present
  • British Depth Study: The Norman Conquest, 1065–1087
  • Period Study: Viking Expansion, c.750–c.1050
  • World Depth Study: Living under Nazi Rule, 1933–1945
  • 'History All Around Us'

2. Application of the course (exam questions and assessment):

  • knowledge and understanding; explaining and analysing events and periods.
  • knowledge and understanding; using historical sources
  • knowledge and understanding; understanding interpretations.

What does revision for History look like?

To secure their knowledge students should:

  • Use the GCSE History revision website that we are creating to revise knowledge (you can access an example webpage on 'Nazi Control and Opposition' here)
  • Complete online quizzes using Kahoot and online flashcards using Quizlet
  • Create their own notes and diagrams
  • Complete exam questions in extended study assignments in order to apply their understanding (this is the critical part!)
    • Teacher tutorial videos will accompany exam style questions and mark schemes.

How much History revision should my son or daughter be doing?

Student should spend around 90 minutes per week working on the strategies listed above.

What does my son or daughter need to be able to revise for History effectively?

  • The following things will be useful when revising for Science:
  • A set of blank cards for making flashcards such as these or these.
  • A notebook dedicated to making notes.
  • Paper for doing any working out for practice questions.
  • A quiet space to work. (This could be during extended study in school)
  • Access to a device and the internet. (This could be during extended study in school)

How will my son or daughter know their strengths and areas for development?

An important part of the build up to the exams will be weekly extended study assignments, which will focus on application of historical knowledge and understanding to exam style questions.

Mr Portman and Mrs Batty will mark them carefully and feedback to students on their strengths and areas for development.

This could, on some occasions. result in students redrafting answers where they have not reached an appropriate standard, and we will need the support of parents to ensure that this happens.

So how exactly can I help?

Help your son or daughter to get organised and give them a quiet space to work

  • Help your son or daughter to come up with a revision timetable and plan that is manageable. Remember spaced practice is better than cramming.
  • Check that your son or daughter is sticking to their revision timetable, or when they are not able to, that they make up the time.
  • Help to get your son or daughter used to working for 2 and a half hours without music or their phone.
  • Get your son or daughter to organise their flashcards and notes around the specific historical topics