XP Gateshead Year 6 Open Evening

Thank you to all those that were able to attend our Open Evenings on the 12th and 13th of October.

The materials on this webpage are intended to support families in making a decision on the application for a secondary school place for your children.

We are sorry that we were not able to welcome more families in person, and hope that you find the videos and information here useful.

Myth-busting: What are XP schools really like?

Although many believe we are, XP Gateshead is not a special school, an outdoor school or a private school.

Our school is a challenging place to learn and we expect the very best from our students through our relentless focus on Beautiful Work, Character Growth and Academic Success.

Andy Sprakes, our Chief Academic Officer, explains more about the realities of XP Schools and dispels some of the myths surrounding our innovative approach. This is a must watch for all prospective students and their families.

What is Crew?

Crew is the foundation of XP Gateshead. In Crew, students reflect on their habits of work and learning, academic performance and their character traits.

Crew helps students to form positive relationships with their peers and supports and challenges them to be the best version of themselves.

To watch more videos about our approach to crew, click here.

It is important to note that the induction through outdoor adventure at Ullswater Outward Bound in the first week of Year 7 is fundamental to establishing Crew, and so is not an optional part of our curriculum.

Expeditionary Learning

Academic rigour is at the heart of our curriculum. Our students engage with important guiding questions through worthy challenging texts, carrying out purposeful fieldwork and working alongside experts, making connections between disciplines and creating activist products that have an impact on the world around them.

Learning expeditions are visceral learning experiences with case studies that bring the National Curriculum and GCSE standards to life, ensuring that students work hard to get smart, with learning that is both deep and meaningful.

Beautiful Work

We believe that in education, we often underestimate our children. At XP Gateshead the work is highly academic and highly challenging, because "there is more in us than we know".

Every learning expedition involves the creation of beautiful work. Through critique and multiple drafts, students craft work that is thoughtful, accurate, precise, beautiful and beyond what they might have previously dreamed possible.

They create portfolios which archive their beautiful work and speak to these during Student-Led Conferences - essentially parents' evenings flipped - where students present to their parents and Crew Leader for 30 minutes on their HoWLs, academic progress and character growth.

We want our students to know that they are important, because their work is important, so expeditions involve public exhibition of work, work that impacts on the community and elements of service learning.

Integrated technology

We have included information in this page on our use of technology as an iPad and keyboard is part of our kit expectations for all students. Our iPads are used daily, and have transformed the way in which we are able to work with our students.

iPads can be purchased at a discounted rate through the school on a pay monthly basis.


Character traits

Our five character traits are not just words on a wall.

They form a fundamental part of our 3-dimensional approach. Compassion is at the heart of everything that we do.

These traits are a statement of the characteristics that we value in our community and are discussed and reflected upon every day in both Crew and in academic sessions.

We hold weekly community meetings where students uphold our character traits, giving appreciations to their peers, and making stands in order to ensure that our community is one based on courage, respect, craftsmanship & quality, integrity and above all... compassion.

Habits of Work and Learning (HoWLs)

At XP, our expectations of our students' learning behaviours are very high... but simple.

We expect all students to work hard, get smart and be kind. These are our Habits of Work and Learning (HoWLs).

To watch more videos about our HOWLS, click here.

XP Schools' Culture

What makes XP Gateshead so great?

Beautiful work in our community

Why is it important to share our stories?

Alfie's Bike (#wearecrew)


We have updated the frequently asked questions of our website with many of the questions asked at the Open Evening events. To find answers to these questions please click here.