Explore Further

How far can you go?

The 'explore further' section contains useful links to more advanced learning resources that will support the expedition. Students should complete the Google Survey to show their teacher what they have learned, and how they are working hard and getting smart outside of normal lessons.

Macbeth Character Analysis

(A short watch 6:56)

How is Macbeth a TRAGIC HERO?

Click here when you're ready to capture your learning.

Free will, witches, murder and Macbeth (part 1)

(a medium watch 12:54)

"It's not the prophesying that did the damage; it's the believing the prophecy."

Begin to explore ideas around predestination and whether the witches could be held responsible for Macbeth's actions.

The first half is a great recap on the plot and context of the play, with ideas to stretch and challenge in the second half!

Click here when you're ready to capture your learning.

Gender, guilt and fate (part 2)

(a medium watch 12:06)

"Was I doomed to this, or did I choose it?"

A great development on part 1, this time with some great ideas about masculinity and gender; and building upon the ideas of free will and choice.

Click here when you're ready to capture your learning.

A Supernatural Essay.pdf

A Supernatural Essay

(A short read)

Are you ready for a challenge? Use your CLOSE READING skills to critique this essay about the supernatural in Macbeth.

Take notes on paper as you read it - be a Magpie and learn from the best bits!

Click here when you're ready to record your learning.