Mother Tongue Languages, Third Languages & Other Languages


Parents of students who are eligible to offer HMTL in Sec 1 will receive the letter of offer via Parents Gateway (PG) app by Friday, 22 December 2023, 10 a.m.. The deadline for accepting the HMTL offer is Wednesday, 27 December 2023. As we will need to allocate students into subject classes by the first day of school, late replies will not be considered. If no reply is received, the offer is deemed as not accepted.

If you require any clarification regarding the HMTL offer, please contact Ms Li Jiaying (HOD/Mother Tongue Languages) at We will get in touch with you as soon as possible

Students who meet the following criteria will be offered by MOE to study HMTL at Sec 1:

1. An overall PSLE Score of 8 or better, and offered MTL at PSLE


2. An overall PSLE Score of 9 to 14 and obtained AL 1/AL 2 in MTL or Distinction/Merit in HMTL

Students who do not meet the above criteria may still be offered a chance to study Higher Chinese Language / Higher Malay Language if they have met the criteria set by the school.

Unlike in primary schools, students will only need to study one MTL subject (either MTL or HMTL) during curriculum time in secondary school. HMTL students will have an additional 1 hour of lesson every 2 weeks to strengthen their language ability. Please note that students studying HMTL will take the MTL Examination when they are in Sec 3.

Students who are studying Higher Chinese Language and Higher Malay Language will have their lessons in Xinmin Secondary School. For students studying Higher Tamil Language, their lessons will be conducted at Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre (UPTLC) on every Monday from 3pm to 6pm. Students taking Higher Tamil Language will stay in their classrooms for self-study during MTL lessons.

You may find out more information regarding HMTL in secondary school at:


Students studying Tamil Language (other than Higher Tamil Language) will have their lessons at Seng Kang Secondary School. The school will inform these students of their lesson start date by Term 1 Week 2.

Students who will be studying Non-Tamil Indian Languages (Hindi / Punjabi / Gujarati / Bengali / Urdu) will receive their language application form when school reopens (Term 1 Week 1). Parents, please assist your child in registering at the respective Language Centres.


Parents of students who are successful in their application for Third Language Studies by MOE will receive the letter of offer via the Parents Gateway (PG) app by Friday, 22 December 2023, 10 a.m.. Please follow the registration instructions stated in the PG notification.


Students who are granted approval at the primary level to study Foreign Languages (French / German / Japanese) or Asian Languages (Arabic / Burmese / Thai) must continue learning the language at secondary and tertiary levels, and sit for the Foreign Languages / Asian Languages papers at national examinations. Upon admission to Sec 1, a new application must be submitted. You will receive an application form via email.

For French, German and Japanese, students may be admitted into the MOE Language Centre (MOELC) to attend their lessons. This is subject to availability of vacancies at the MOELC. These students may also register for MOELC’s year-end written examinations so as to keep track of their learning, even if they are not admitted into MOELC for lessons.

For Chinese Language, Malay Language, Tamil Language, Non-Tamil Indian Languages, Third Language and Mother Tongue Language-in-Lieu matters, please email Ms Li Jiaying (HOD/Mother Tongue Languages) at