Works Like A Charm.


Hi, I'm Arabella I have worked hard to make all the products with my team.  I would like you to think about buying our products.  I hope you enjoy!


Hi, my name is Hadley and I am a part of Works Like A Charm. We have worked on these projects for you to enjoy. I am left brained, I like to think very carefully before I do things. When we had first started our business, we wanted to make sure that our products were cute and sweet looking, but that also had something with charms. That's why we named out business Works Like A Charm. When my colleagues and I were working on our products, we wanted to make sure that they were suitable for all ages and had many varieties of sizes. We hope you enjoy them!


Hi my name is Lyla and I am ready for you to have fun buying our products, enjoy!  I am a left brained person I like to read and swim. I also can pay attention very well.


Hi, my name is Liliann, How would you like to be charming?  Well, come to us we are always charming! I love to go swimming and I love to go horse riding and my most favorite thing is softball and basketball.  These are just some things to know about me.