
Teaching Staff

Dr Hrishikesh P. Samant

Associate Professor and Vice-Principal (Science)

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., M.Tech., Ph.D.

Research Interest: Geomorphology, Remote sensing and GIS

List of Publications

  1. Hrishikesh Samant, Vanit Patel, Kanchan Pande, Hetu Sheth and K.C. Jagadeesan. (2019):

40Ar/39Ar dating of tholeiitic flows and dykes of Elephanta Island, Panvel flexure zone, western Deccan Traps: A five-million-year record of magmatism preceding India-Laxmi Ridge-Seychelles breakup., (2019), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 379:12-22 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.05.004

  1. Hetu Sheth, Ishita Pal, Vanit Patel, Hrishikesh Samant, and Joseph D’Souza. (2017): Breccia-cored columnar rosettes in Rubbly Pahoehoe Lava Flow, Elephanta Island, Deccan Traps, and a Model for their Origin., Geoscience Frontiers 8 (2017) 1299-1309., DOI: 10.1016/j,gsf.2016.12.004

  1. Hetu Sheth, Vanit Patel and Hrishikesh Samant. (2017):

Control of Early-formed Vesicle Cylinders on Upper Crustal Prismatic Jointing in Compound Pāhoehoe Lavas of Elephanta Island, Western Deccan Traps, India., Bull Volcanol. (2017) 79:63., DOI 10.1007/s00445-017-1147-3

  1. Hrishikesh Samant, Ashwin Pundalik, Joseph D’Souza, Hetu Sheth, Keegan Carmo Lobo, Kyle D’Souza and Vanit Patel. (2017):

Geology of the Elephanta Island fault zone, western Indian rifted margin, and its significance for understanding the Panvel flexure., J. Earth Syst. Sci.(2017) 126:9., DOI 10.1007/s12040-016-0793-8. ISSN 0253-4126

  1. Hetu Sheth, Hrishikesh Samant, Vanit Patel and Joseph D’Souza. (2016):

The Volcanic Geoheritage of the Elephanta Caves, Deccan Traps, Western India., Geoheritage., DOI 10.1007/s12371-016-0214-z. ISSN 1867-2485

  1. Hrishikesh Samant and Arnav Samant. (2016):

The Ghadiyal Godi Timeball – A Maritime Legacy of Bombay Port., The Bombay Explorer – Journal of the Bombay Local History Society., Vol. 55. pp. 2 – 11. June 2016., ISSN 2278-117X

  1. Farjana Birajdar, G. Venkataraman and Hrishikesh Samant. (2015):

Bhaga Basin Glacier Changes in the Western Himalaya Derived from Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques., Jourl. Ind. Geol. Cong., Vol 7 (1), pp 75 - 78 ISSN 2229-435X

  1. Farjana Birajdar, G. Venkataraman and Hrishikesh Samant. (2015):

Frontal Recession Of Glacier And Proglacial Lake Expansion In The Western Himalaya Over The Past Half-Century., Jourl. Envr. Resch And Devl (JERAD), Vol 9(4):1234 – 1239. ISSN 0973-6921

  1. Bobby Mathew and Hrishikesh Samant (2015):

A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Approach to Demarcating Potential Groundwater Zones Around Nandurbar City, Maharashtra, India., Xplore - The Xavier’s Research Journal, Vol 6, Issue 1.(Science Ed) pp. 30-39, December 2015. ISSN 2249 – 1878

  1. Bobby Mathew and Hrishikesh Samant (2014):

Spatio-temporal characteristics of groundwater quality and GIS based quality zonation mapping around Nandurbar city, Nandurbar district, Maharashtra, India., in: Reddy K.R., Rao R. V, Sarala C (eds) Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Hydrology and Watershed Management with a Focal Theme on Ecosystem Resilience - Rural and Urban Water Requirements. Allied Publishers, Hyderabad, pp. 731–738. ISBN: 978-81-8424-952-1

  1. Farjana Birajdar, G. Venkataraman, I.M. Bahuguna and Hrishikesh Samant. (2014):

A Revised Glacier Inventory of Bhaga Basin Himachal Pradesh, India : Current Status and Recent Glacier Variations., ISPRS Annals. Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences., Vol. II-8 DOI: 10.5194/isprsannals-II-8-37-2014

  1. Farjana Birajdar, G. Venkataraman and Hrishikesh Samant. (2014):

Monitoring Snow Cover Area Using Different Algorithms on Indian Remote Sensing Data., in Geostatistical and Geospatial Approaches: Challenges, Processes & Strategies., Raju. N. J. (ed)., Capital Publishing Co., pp. 436-438. ISBN: 978-93-81891-25-4

  1. Mathew B.P and Samant H.P. (2012)

Influence of dykes on regional hydraulic gradient- A Case study around Nandurbar, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra, India.,The Xavier’s Research Journal, Vol 3, Issue 1. ISSN 2249 – 1878

  1. Samant H.P. and Khanolkar S. (2011)

‘Comparison of Matrix Transformations for Georeferencing of Raster Data Acquired by KVR 3000 Camera’.Xplore – The Xavier’s Research Journal, Vol 2, Issue 1, pp: 38 – 46. ISSN 2249 – 1878

  1. Samant H.P. and Khanolkar S.(2010)

‘Correlation between SRTM DEM and Altitude Extracted from Night Time Thermal IR LandSat 5 Data – A Test on Mumbai City Area’. Xplore- The Xavier’s Research Journal, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp: 40 – 47. ISSN 2249 – 1878

  1. Samant H.P. and Subramanyan V. (1998)

Land use change in Mumbai-Navi Mumbai cities and its effects on the drainage basins and channels. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing., Vol 26, No. 1 & 2, 1998, pp. 1-6.

Dr. Pravin J. Henriques

Associate Professor and In-charge Head of Department

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Research Interest: Micropalaeontology and Gemmology

List of Publications

1. Henriques P.J., 2015

An unusual world of oddities seen in gemstones.

Journal of Economic Geology & Georesource Management. Prof. Mahadevan’s Commemorative Volume No. 10, pp 191-194.

2. Henriques P.J., 2014

Basic gem identification techniques versus modern day high tech instrumentation methods. Fifth National Seminar on “Gemmology” organized by the Dept. of Geology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P) under the aegis of: Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal (M.P), South Asian Association Of Economic Geologist (SAAEG) and Indian Science Congress Association Bhopal Chapter and Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Bhopal Chapter. (Abstract)

3. Henriques P.J., 2014

Ultraviolet light: its application and use in gem identification. Fifth National Seminar on “Gemmology” organized by the Dept. of Geology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P) under the aegis of: Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal (M.P), South Asian Association Of Economic Geologist (SAAEG) and Indian Science Congress Association Bhopal Chapter and Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Bhopal Chapter. (Abstract)

4. Henriques P.J., 2014

Back to the basics: Reviving the art of preliminary gem identification. National Symposium on “Challenges of Mineral Development in Central India, Problems and Prospects” organised by South Asian Association Of Economic Geologist (SAAEG) Jabalpur Chapter and Mahakousal Institute of Gem Testing & Research Centre. Jabalpur. Madhya Pradesh. (Abstract).

5. Mazumder A., Nigam R., and Henriques P.J., 2012.

Deterioration of Early Holocene coral reef due to sea level rise along west coast of India: Benthic foraminiferal testimony. Geoscience Frontiers. Online 5 January 2012

6. Henriques P.J., 2012

Techniques for selecting jewellery pieces by understanding its intrinsic value: A Perspective. Third National Seminar-cum-Workshop in “Gemmology” organized by the Dept. of Geology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P) under the aegis of: South Asian Association of Economic Geologist (SAAEG) and Indian Science Congress Association Bhopal Chapter. (Abstract)

7. Henriques P.J., 2012

Utilization of minerals and fossils as potential raw and processed gem material.

Third National Seminar-cum-Workshop in “Gemmology” organized by the Dept. of Geology, Govt. Motilal Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal (M.P) under the aegis of: South Asian Association of Economic Geologist (SAAEG) and Indian Science Congress Association Bhopal Chapter (Abstract)

8. Saraswat R., Deopujari A., Nigam R., and Henriques P.J., 2011

Relationship between Abundance and Morphology of Benthic Foraminifera Epistominella exigua: Paleoclimatic Implications. Journal Geological Society of India. Vol. 77, pp 190-196.

9. Nigam R., Prasad V., Mazumder A., Garg R., Saraswat R and Henriques P.J., 2009

Late Holocene changes in hypoxia off the west coast of India: Micropaleontological evidences. Current Science, Vol. 96 (5), pp 708-712.

10. Bhalla S.N., Khare., Shanmukha D.H and Henriques P.J., 2007

Foraminiferal studies in near shore regions of western coast of India and Laccadives islands: A review. Indian Journal of Marine Science. Vol. 36 (4), pp 272-287

11. Nigam R., Mazumder A., Henriques P.J and., Saraswat R., 2007

Benthic Foraminifera as Proxy for Oxygen-depleted conditions off the central west coast of India. Journal Geological Society of India. Vol. 70, pp 1047-1054.

12. Mazumder A., Henriques P.J and Nigam R., 2003.

Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera within oxygen minima zone, off Central West Coast of India. Gondwana Geological Magazine., Special Volume 6. pp 5-10.

13. Chaturvedi S.K., Mazumder A., Khare N., Henriques P.J., Sinha R., and Nigam R., 2002.

Importance of foraminiferal studies in paleo-environmental studies for monitoring environmental pollution: Proceedings of Availability of Science in India: a Glimpse, Editors: Khare N and Pandey P. Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Development Research. Goa. pp 166-173. (In Hindi).

14. Nigam R., Henriques P.J and Mazumder A., 2002.

Benthic Foraminifera within the oxygen zone: are they different in the Indian Ocean from other regions? XVIII Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy, Nagpur, 14-16 January, 2002. pp.73.

15. Nigam R., Mazumder A and Henriques P.J., 2000.

Sea level changes: Evidence from foraminifera: Proceedings of XVI Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy, NIO, Goa. Bulletin of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited. Vol. 37, No. 2 (December, 2000), pp. 1-6. (in Hindi ).

16. Nigam R and Henriques P.J., 1998.

Benthic Foraminifera as paleoshoreline indicator: a case study between Vengurla and Mangalore: XVI Indian Colloquium on Micropaleontology and Stratigraphy, Goa, January 1998. pp.42.

17. P.J. Henriques., 1993.

Planktonic foraminiferal response to different water masses from the western continental margin of India: Proceedings 80th Indian Science Congress. Part III, Goa, Young Scientist Award Programme, 1993. Pp.18-19.

18. Nigam R., Henriques P.J and Wagh A.B., 1993.

Barnacle fouling on relict foraminiferal specimens from the western continental margin of India: an indicator of paleo sea level: Continental Shelf Research, vol. 13, No. 2/3, pp. 279-286.

19. Nigam R and Henriques P.J., 1992.

Planktonic percentage of foraminiferal fauna in surface sediments of the Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean) and a regional model for paleodepth determination. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 91, pp. 89-98.

Dr. Bobby Mathew

Associate Professor

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Research Interest: Hydrogeology and GIS

Dr. Ashwin Pundalik

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Research Interest: Sedimentology, Structural Geology and Quaternary Geology

List of Publications

  1. Kale M.G, Ashwin Pundalik and Devender Kumar (2019). Fluvial facies and Petrography of Late Pleistocene Baneta sediments, Central Narmada Basin, Hoshangabad District, Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Earth System Sciences (in press) ISSN 0253-4126

  1. Hrishikesh Samant, Ashwin Pundalik, Joseph D’Souza, Hetu Sheth, Keegan Carmo Lobo, Kyle D’Souza and Vanit Patel. (2017) Geology of the Elephanta Island fault zone, western Indian rifted margin, and its significance for understanding the Panvel flexure., J. Earth Syst. Sci.(2017) 126:9., DOI 10.1007/s12040-016-0793-8. ISSN 0253-4126

  1. Kale, M. G., Pundalik, A. S., Duraiswami, R. A., & Karmalkar, N. R. (2016). Soft sediment deformation structures from Khari River section of Rudramata member, Jhuran Formation, Kutch: A testimony of Jurassic seismites. Journal of the Geological Society of India, Vol. 87(2), pp. 194-204. ISSN 016-7622

  1. Kale, M.G., Bapat, M.S., and Pundalik, A.S. (2010) Lithofacies characters of Quaternary sediments from Chandanapuri area, Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra, Gondwana Geological magazine sp.vol. 12, 2010, pp.275-282. ISSN 0970-261X

  2. Pundalik, A.S., Kale, M.G., and Soman, G.R. (2010) Sedimentology of Quaternary sediments around Jejuri, Karha River Basin, District Pune, Maharashtra state, Western India, Gondwana Geological magazine, V.25(2), Dec., 2010. ISSN 0970-261X

Dr. Shweta Gurav Patil

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualifications: M.Sc., Ph.D.

Research Interest: Ichnology and Invertebrate palaeontology

Mr. John D’Souza

Assistant Professor

Educational Qualification: M.Sc.

Research Interest: Metamorphic Petrology

Non-Teaching Staff

Mr. Gurunath Dhuri

Laboratory Assistant

Joined St. Xavier's College in1990 and Department of Geology 1996

Mr. Rajesh Athawale

Laboratory Attendant

Joined St. Xavier's College in 1993 and Department of Geology in 1997

Mr. Sanjay Chaudhary

Laboratory Attendant

Joined St. Xavier's College in 1993 and Department of Geology in 1997

Mr. Nitin Lokhande

Laboratory Attendant

Joined St. Xavier's College in 2013 and Department of Geology in 2016