
F.Y. B.Sc.

SGEO0101 – Introduction to Mineralogy and Crystallography

SGEO0102 – Introduction to Earth Science, Cartography and Structural Geology

SGEO0201 – Introduction to Petrology, Geotectonics and Economic Geology

SGEO0202 – Introduction to Physical Geology, Principles of Stratigraphy and Paleontology

S.Y. B.Sc.

SGEO0301 – Stratigraphy, General and Invertebrate Paleontology

SGEO0302 – Crystallography

SGEO0303 – Geomorphology and Cartographic Analysis

SGEO0401 – Economic Geology

SGEO0402 – Optical mineralogy and Systematic Mineralogy

SGEO0403 – Field Geology and Hydrogeology

SGEO0501 – Precambrian Geology of India

T.Y. B.Sc.

SGEO0502 – Igneous Petrology

SGEO0503 – Structural Geology

SGEO0504 – Metamorphic Petrology

SGEO05AC – Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation

SGEO0601 – Phanerozoic Geology of India

SGEO0602 – Sedimentary Petrology

SGEO0603 – Engineering Geology

SGEO0604 – Photogrammetry, Photo Interpretation & Fundamentals of GIS

SGEO06AC – Gemmology
