
M.Sc. (Part I)

SGEO0701 – Stratigraphy and Geology of India

SGEO0702 – Geochemistry

SGEO0703 – Structural Geology

SGEO0704 – Advanced Gemmology

SGEO0801 – Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing

SGEO0802 - Igneous Petrology

SGEO0803 – Metamorphic Petrology

SGEO0804 – Sedimentary Petrology

M.Sc. (Part II)

SGEO0901 – General and Invertebrate Palaeontology

SGEO0902 – Hydrogeology

SGEO0903 – Geophysical Prospecting

SGEO0904 – Coal and Petroleum Geology

SGEO1001 – Micropalaeontology and Oceanography

SGEO1002 – Engineering Geology

SGEO1003 – Economic Geology

SGEO1004 – Dissertation

Practical Courses pertinent to the above-mentioned theory courses in every semester.