The Centenary

The Centenary Year found many old students on the staff : Fr. Parmananda Divarkar: Rector, Fr. Edward D' Cruz: Principal, Fr. John Misquitta: Vice-Principal, a few of the other Jesuit Fathers and many of the lay professors. On the occasion of the inauguration of the Centenary Year, the Rector emphasised the centenary programme of renewal. There was to be an internal reorganisation to exploit existing resources to the full in the interests of academic and administrative efficiency, ensuring quality education. The systematic exploration of ways and means to satisfy the demands of business and industry and of universities abroad, was a major goal. Finally, there was to be one major building project of the new hostel wing, to meet an urgent need and to symbolise the constructive nature of the centenary celebrations.

A week's programme, inaugurated by the Governor of Maharashtra, concluded with a solemn thanksgiving presided over by the Archbishop of Bombay, His Eminence Valerian Cardinal Gracias.

The climax of the celebrations was the visit of the President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussein, who paid a rich tribute to the work of missionaries in the field of education.