Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in Botany Department include the laptops which are used for department work of writing reports, administrative and clerical work, academic work, using the internet, for emails, and PowerPoint presentations during lectures. In this way, the laptops are used in multiple ways for teaching and learning. The department also has a printer which is used for printing academic-related material daily. The available iPad is used for teaching purpose and as an interface for some advanced ecology sensors during practical and project work. There are two microscopes equipped with mobile phone cameras which are used for taking microscopic photography. The computers are used for other office work and for connecting the students' biometry attendance units. Few free software programs are also loaded on computers which help in academic work. The computers and laptops have licensed windows and antivirus loaded. The facility of internet and wifi is a great benefit, as through which the mobile phones, laptops and iPad can also be connected to the internet easily. The laptops and computers have a high storage capacity of 1TB. The faculty uses these resources for preparing PPT, studying and using research papers, Moodle for conducting CIA exams, small MCQ exams, open paper test; google classroom for submission of assignment and answering student's queries and by emails through it; PASCO sensors are used for reading various environmental parameters during experiments. Software image J, and R, for processing images taken from microscope to yield usable values and data; statistical software PSPP for statistical analysis of data, online software PAST for cluster analysis; Clustal Omega for phylogenetic tree preparation; NCBI for BLAST analysis; Excel for statistical problem solving and condensing of statistical data; GIS and R for Mapping, remote sensing and preparation of map using GPS coordinate data. The staff using the same are Dr. Vijaya Lobo, Mr. Royston Lobo, Mr. Saif Khan, Dr. Rajdeo Singh, Mr. Alok Gude, Mr. Kevin D'Cruz, Dr. Rajendra Shinde and even the non-teaching staff.