Language Arts/Literature

          (Hours 3, 5, 7, 8)

Welcome to 7th grade Language Arts/Literature.  

This year will be filled with opportunity to grow in your reading and writing skills.  

As you navigate through these pages, you will find topics we will cover this year as well as assignments, projects, and expectations. 

*Use sub pages for more information. 

Each week you will receive 2 vocabulary words to learn.  

Fill out the "Words of the Week" (W.O.W.) form

and return it to the assigned folder by Friday.  

*Check the Words of the Week sub page for a listing of weekly words.

Be prepared for class.  

Each day, bring your textbook, notebook, reader/writer notebook,

AR book, and something with which to write.   

AR points are due one week before the end of each quarter.  Be prepared and have a plan to reach your AR point goal each quarter.  Contact me with any concerns.  Keep reading!!

Be  prepared for class each day!  Write assignments in your agenda.  Take good notes.  Ask questions.  Hand work in on time.  Do your best!  Be your best! 

Ask questions!  Participate in class!

Grammar matters!