Mr. Duncan

Mr. Duncan

Hello Students and Parents,

My name is Rick Duncan and I will be the Freshman Theology Teacher for this school year. I “retired” as a Theology teacher four (4) years ago. At that time I had been teaching at Lourdes Academy in Oshkosh, and prior to that, I had taught at St. Raymond High School for Boys in the Bronx, New York.

Over the past four years I have been in the Xavier Catholic School System as a Substitute Teacher, (K3- 12th grade), and in addition, I have been the XMS After Care supervisor. If your student has been in XMS these past four years they know me and I them.

It is not possible for me to express how much I look forward to teaching your children. I assure you that I will give my all, and that I will strive to see that the children will come to know the reality of Jesus Christ and His saving presence.

Though I will be teaching two (2) Freshman Theology classes (9:30AM-11:30), I intend to be at school early and leave at 2:00 PM to go to XMS for my Care responsibilities. I can always be contacted at

God bless you and your families, and may Jesus live in our hearts, forever!

Your Brother in Christ,

Rick Duncan

Learning Management System

We use Google Classroom as our Learning Management System. Students will join their class by entering the code below: