Frau Sass

About Frau Sass:

Guten Tag!  My name is Frau Sass and this is my ninth year teaching German in the Xavier system.  I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and have a Bachelor's Degree in German Education.  During my undergraduate studies, I spent one year studying at the University of Kassel in Germany.  In addition to my studies, I worked as a student assistant in the International office and helped students who were planning on studying in the United States.  I was also the assistant coordinator of the International Summer University, a program which allows students from all over the world to come to Germany for a month in the summer to learn about environmental issues and the German language and culture.

After college I spent a year as a teaching assistant through the Fulbright program at two Catholic schools in Stams, Austria.  Here I taught lessons on American culture while experiencing the Austrian educational system and culture.  In 2012, I completed my Master's of Education in World Language Instruction through Concordia College.  I have fourteen years of teaching experience at the middle school level and am excited to be using my talents to serve the families in the Xavier system. The best way to contact me is by sending an email to the address below.

Learning Management System

Students can find assignments and class information in Google Classroom.  They should have received an invite from me in their school email.

German Trip 2023

Frau Sass' Schedule

1st Block:  German I @ XHS

4th Hour:  7th Grade German @ XMS

5th Hour:  8th Grade German @ XMS

7th Hour:  7th Grade German @ XMS

8th Hour:  8th Grade German @XMS