Mrs. Kiepert

About Mrs. Kiepert:

Hello and Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!   This year, I will teach all 7th graders in Religion.  I will also be teaching a literacy elective called iPads and Writing Styles.

I am about to begin my 22nd year of teaching and my 20th year here at Xavier Middle School.  I truly enjoy teaching Middle School students and I have loved helping 7th graders learn and grow in their faith journey.

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family.  My husband, Justin is involved in the Girls Basketball program at Xavier and we have three daughters who attend Xavier Schools.  You will often find us at sporting events to support their soccer, volleyball and basketball activities!  Go Hawks!!  

Please feel free to email me at anytime - it is the fastest way to get a response, especially during the school day.  You can also call 730-8849 ext 1400.  

Let's make it a great year!!   

Learning Management System

Students can find assignments and class information in Google Classroom.

Google Classroom Codes:

Religion, 1st Hour:  

Religion,  2nd Hour:  

Religion, 3rd Hour:  

Religion, 5th Hour:   

Religion, 8th Hour:  

iPads and Writing Styles, 9th Hour: