Mount Mary University

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (pop. 569,330)

Size: small (fewer than 5,000 students)

Description: Mount Mary University is a welcoming, one-of-a-kind creative culture that supports you to explore your passions, develop your skills and turn energy into action to achieve personal and professional success.

Popular majors: Psychology, Undeclared, Nursing, Fashion Design, Occupational Therapy

New & improved: New programs: User Experience (UX) Design & Exercise Science. New Developments on Campus: New Fitness Center for Exercise Science Majors & New Health Sciences Center for Nursing Majors

What makes us special: Each of Mount Mary’s majors and programs incorporates creativity, social justice and leadership to provide students with the knowledge and confidence to transform their careers and communities. Our professors and classmates will lift you up and celebrate your ambitions. You’ll be able to develop your ideas, identity and confidence in an inclusive environment. Mount Mary women graduate with the confidence and skill sets to create a better, more compelling life to live out their education in active, meaningful ways.

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