Lakeland University

Location: Sheboygan, Wisconsin (pop. 48,327)

Size: small (fewer than 5,000 students)

Description: 4 Year, Private, Liberal Arts College, located in rural Wisconsin with an award-winning Cooperative Education Program

Popular majors: Business Administration, Sports Management and Leadership, Exercise Science, Accounting, Computer and Information Sciences, Accounting

New & improved: Social Justice Major and Minor that includes credit-bearing experiential learning, Professional Writing Major, Special Education Certification, Food Safety and Quality majors and Esports minor have all been expanded and developed.

Two new residence halls to serve freshmen and sophomores have been open for two years.

What makes us special: Lakeland is an Experiential Education institution. We believe the best way to learn is by pairing knowledge with practice. At our residential campus, students can earn their degrees while gaining 12-18 months of paid professional work experience while earning credit. Students have a pathway to graduate in four years with little tuition debt, making a Bachelor's Degree accessible to anyone with the desire to learn.

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