Knox College

Location: Galesburg, Illinois (pop. 30,689)

Size: small (fewer than 5,000 students)

Description: Knox College is an independent-minded, uncannily smart four-year residential college. We're home to transformative teachers, classes, and learning opportunities, plus 1,200 brilliantly original human beings from everywhere on the planet. We believe that every experience is an education, that every new venture, every fantastic idea, every great journey, is human-powered. We also believe you learn the most from the people least like you. Knox is one of the 50 most diverse campuses in America, with a campus community of 1,200 students from nearly every state and 49 countries, including a wide array of races, ethnicities, ages, cultures, backgrounds, genders and gender identities, sexual orientations, and beliefs.

Popular majors: Biology Pre-Health; Business and Economics, Creative Writing, Education, Psychology 

New & improved: We have a new President, C. Andrew McGadney, opened our new astronomy observatory on top of our recently renovated science center, added two majors (journalism and public policy), and will continue our longstanding practice of test-optional admission. 

What makes us special: We're not simply an education. We're an experience. You won't just practice what you learn in a lab class or on problem sets. You'll have the opportunity to apply that knowledge in unfamiliar and unpredictable situations.

Additionally, we live and work among people who are wildly unlike us. When founded, we were one of the first colleges in America to admit women and students of color. Today, we're more diverse in more ways than nearly any other college campus in the country. We learn from each other's experiences and perspectives, and it prepares us to be successful in a global, multicultural world.

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