bellin college

Location: Bellevue, Wisconsin (pop. 15,701)

Size: small (fewer than 5,000 students)

Description: Founded in 1909, Bellin College has grown to become one of Wisconsin’s premier private, not-for-profit nursing and medical imaging colleges. A focused curriculum, extensive hands-on practice, leadership and service-learning, and dedication to the values of Excellence, Integrity, Community, and Caring help our students succeed academically and professionally.

Popular majors: Nursing, Surgical Assisting, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Radiation Therapy, Radiologic Science

New & improved: All of our programs are now 3 years instead of 4. Each program is a direct entry and all our general education courses are healthcare-focused. We now offer a new program: Bachelor's of Science in Surgical Assisting.

What makes us special: Bellin College is a Health Science Institution that offers programs within nursing and medical Imaging. With our new 3 year format, we offer students bachelor's degrees in less time. All of our programs are direct entry, meaning once you apply, if you are accepted, you are guaranteed a spot in your program. We are excited to say we have 100% pass rates on our licensure exams and our job placements are between 98%-100%. 

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