Maths Revision Resources

from Wyvern Academy

Revision is key to success in Maths but it can be difficult to find quality resources to help you improve.

The teachers at Wyvern have collected together resources to help you find what you need quickly and easily. Start by clicking on either Foundation or Higher at the top of this page, depending on the exam you are taking or use the on-line resources suggested below.

On-line resources

There are lot of on-line Maths resources to help you get the grades you want.

Here are a few of the best, chosen by our Maths teachers

Seneca learning

This is a great on-line tool that you can use to revise from and teachers can use to set practice assessments for exam preparation..

It is free to register, just remember to add Wyvern Academy as your school when you sign up.

You can then join your class using the code below or search for resources to use.

Mr Bailey's year 11 pupils use class code

Mr Bailey's year 10 pupils use class code

Mrs Gibbins' year 11 pupils use class code n2b5jbb24k

Mrs Gibbins year 10 pupils use class code n5vg0z78eu

Corbett Maths

A great place to find topic resources for GCSE maths plus the famous 5 a day. Its free to use and no sign up is needed.

You need to log on to our school account. The school name is wyvern1 and you should already have our password.

If you want to see the work set by your teacher you need to log onto your personal portal using the number and password from your teacher

Another site offering GCSE revision papers with an interactive grade calculator to tell you how you are doing as you work through the paper.

You can register for an account but you don't have to. Beware- if you quit a paper half way through you will have to start again the next time you use the site if you don't have an account.

GCSEpod is full of videos covering all areas of GCSE Maths.

If you haven't used it before you create an account using the pink NEW HERE GET STARTED button then click student. You need to enter your full name and date of birth as well as Wyvern Academy. Your class already exists on GCSE pod so your teacher may already have set work for you or you can select topics you need to revise for yourself.

Google class

An interactive space for your teacher to set work

You need to join the class to access work

Mrs Gibbins' classes

11-5 code is y2r4arj

10-1 code is af3ju72

7B1 code is chwsucn