For Students
November News
-Junior High yearbook, please check flyer below
-Career Day 11/7/24
Absent from school? Please message your teacher in Schoology or email them to ask what you missed when you were out.
Cell phones: Phones are allowed to be used in the hallways between classes and during their lunch period. They are expected to be away in the classrooms and can be confiscated if out, see cell phone policy for more information. A student phone is available for use in the Athletic office for any student needing to call home. It is encouraged students turn their phones off and are away in their backpacks during class time. Although a phone may be on vibration mode the amount of notifications students receive in a day is a distraction and creates a need for them to want to check their phone to see what or who sent the notification. First offense for cell phones: confiscated to office, parent contacted, student picks up at the end of the school day. Second offense: cell phone confiscated to office, parent contacted, parent must retrieve phone from office - it will not be handed back to the student.
iPads: It is crucial that students bring their school issued iPads to school fully charged every day. Please help them find a location in the home to be stored and plugged in every night.
Physical Education Class: The only dress requirement for PE will be sneakers. If students wish to change for class, they will be given access to the locker rooms and approximately 4 minutes at the beginning and end of class to get changed. Locks will not be provided to students, but they are able to bring their own if they so choose. Please note: Crocs in "sports mode" are not the equivalent of wearing sneakers, sorry kids!
7th and 8th graders eat together from 11:09 - 11:39am. Hot and cold lunches are available for purchase.
Student Agendas: Every student receives an agenda on their first day of school in homeroom. These are not only to assist students stay organized with homework and assignments but also it is used as their hall pass. If lost, a new agendas can be purchased in the principal's office for $5.