Protect Wyoming Forests

Don't Move Firewood

Trees in towns and forests are threatened by native and exotic insects and diseases that can kill trees. Insects and diseases can hitch a ride in a load of firewood. Remember to always get firewood as close to your destination as possible. Let’s keep forests healthy so we can continue to enjoy camping, hiking, hunting, and fishing.

Mountain pine beetle and spruce beetle are two of the most important insect pests in Wyoming's forests. Since the early 1990s, these native beetles have caused tree mortality over millions of acres of federal, state, and private forests in Wyoming. These insects can be transported in firewood. Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a non-native invasive insect that infests native North American ash trees. It was accidentally introduced to the Midwest and has since been spreading to other areas of the U.S. and Canada. Satellite infestations of EAB include Boulder County, Colorado. Ash trees are native to parts of eastern Wyoming, but considering the widespread urban planting of ash trees, EAB has the potential to impact most Wyoming communities eventually. By not transporting firewood, we can substantially delay EAB's arrival in Wyoming. EAB has not yet been detected in Wyoming and there is a state EAB response plan in place.

Invasive Pest Monitoring

Pest monitoring season is typically May through September. Traps are placed in tree canopies or attached to the trunk.

Below you can see infographics that explain what you will see if you come across a trap in a tree.

*For EAB trapping, in 2018 we used green Lindgren funnel traps, which you can see below on the left.

Starting in 2019 we will use a combination of traps including green Lindgren funnel and purple prism traps, which you can see below on the right.*

Emerald Ash Borer and Gypsy Moth Trapping


For More Information