Chief Leaford Bearskin Aviation Academy

What's Been Happening at Wyandotte High School with the Aviation Academy?

August 2022:

Early in August, Dana Morisset spoke before the Oklahoma Department of Transportation Board of Commissioners about the Chief Leaford Bearskin Aviation Academy and accepted an FY2023 Aerospace and Aviation Education Grant from the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission. This grant provides supplies for the Aviation classes, AOPA STEM Symposium travel expenses and registration, and 2 laptops. Dana shared with the board of commissioners about the history and legacy of Chief Leaford Bearskin and the committment and partnerships that will ensure success with our aviation program.

ARISE Veteran's Foundation graciously granted Wyandotte Aviation Students with 40 student software licenses to Pilot Institute 35 hour online ground school to help students pass their FAA Private Pilot test. This comes with lifetime access!

Heavy Lift Experiment

Students were challenged to use materials available to lift paperclips to the ceiling

After learning about challenges faced by Apollo 13 astronauts, NASA engineers, and ground crew, students were faced with the following mission:


Heavy lift rockets will help the space program progress by lowering the cost of sending cargo and supplies into space.

Working as an engineer, you will use engineering practices to design and develop heavy lift rockets.


• Use the materials provided to lift as much cargo (paper clips) into space as possible on a given launch.

• You can use any or all of the materials provided to develop your rocket.

• How to launch:

  • Use the fishing line or smooth string that is attached to the ceiling as a guide for the rocket’s path.

  • Thread the string/line through the straw(s) so that the straw(s) can slide straight up toward the ceiling as propelled by your rocket.

• The rest of the design is up to your team. Your goal is to get as many paper clips (cargo) as possible to reach the ceiling (space) using your launch system.

Students have learned:

  • The difference between aerospace and aviation

  • Careers in aerospace and aviation

  • Engineering practices in action

  • Commercial aviation and aircrafts

  • Military aviation and aircrafts

  • General aviation and aircrafts

Students have been able to:

  • Design a cargo heavy lift project

  • Watch Top Gun: Maverick at the conclusion of our Military Aviation unit

  • Begin Pilot Institute Ground School

  • Be introduced to the history of flight in Aviation English

  • Learn the importance of Math and Geometry in Aviation Geometry class

We are off to a great start - and the sky is the limit as to where we can take this program!

Your support in this program has made this possible for 41 Wyandotte, OK students!