incoming freshman preview

incoming freshman preview

PRESENTERS:   Principal Brent Mansky, Athletic Director Justin Crandall, School Resource Officer David Garcia, and teachers of freshman courses

LOCATION:  Auditorium

TIMES:  4:00 - 5:00 OR 5:30 - 6:30

DURATION: 1 Hour, Followed by an optional guided high school tour from 5:00 - 5:30 or 6:30 - 7:00

DESCRIPTION:  8th Graders will begin the process for registering for freshman courses on Thursday, February 22. Come meet the high school staff, and learn about course options for 9th graders in the core areas of math, English, science, and social studies as well as elective options in agriculture, technical education, computer science, family and consumer science, business and information technology, art, music, and world languages. Hear from the principal about high school expectations and opportunities, the athletic director about opportunities to get involved outside the school day with athletics and clubs/organizations, and the school resource officer about his role in the school. Stay for an optional guided tour of the high school building. If you want to learn even more about WHS and future possibilties, stay for the second session of Opportunities at WHS or visit the FAFSA & College Fair.