Our Leadership

V66 Leadership

Our leadership is the spearhead that drives WWU Racing forward. Each and every one of our directors, engineering chiefs, and engineering leads plays a key part in the development of both the car and, more importantly, of the team and their skills.

Project Manager

Megan Ellis - Project Manager

Megan is the Project Manager for Viking 66. She is a senior in Environmental Studies with a minor in Environmental Policy. Her favorite part of the team is collaborating with team members to solve problems and getting to work with her hands. Outside of the team, Megan is a part of Western’s Climate Leadership Group, which works on sustainability projects across campus. When she is not at school, she enjoys spending time outside in the forest or the ocean with friends.


Luke Grant - Technical Director

Luke is the Technical Director for Viking 66. He is a senior in Polymers and Materials Engineering (PME). His favorite part of the team is designing and manufacturing new composite hardware and getting the opportunity to teach new members aerodynamics. Outside of the team, Luke is actively researching the synthesis of novel thermoplastic prepreg and is working as a Lab Assistant in the PME lab. When he is not on campus, he enjoys hiking, backpacking, and spearfishing in Bellingham Bay.

Evan Wren - Business Director

Evan is the Business Director for Viking 66. He is a fourth-year student, majoring in Psychology and minoring in User Experience Design. Evan is looking to work as a User Experience Designer in the automotive or racing industry. He enjoys supporting the team with the tools and resources needed to succeed in FSAE and beyond. Outside of WWU Racing, Evan is a research assistant for Moushumi Sharmin's Human-Computer Interaction lab in the WWU Computer Science department.


Felix Gonzalez - Structures Chief Engineer

Felix is our Structures Chief Engineer for this year’s FSAE car design and is a senior in the Manufacturing Engineering program here at Western. He has been with WWU Racing since 2021. Felix is an automotive enthusiast and enjoys discussing and teaching about the design and engineering process with other team members. During his free time, Felix enjoys spending time with his family, playing video games, doing some sim racing online, and working on his project car in the garage.

Melena Evans - Electronics Chief Engineer

Melana is in her third year on the team, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and holds the position of Chief Electronics Engineer this year. Her primary role is managing the integration between the high and low-voltage systems, as well as their integration with the rest of the car. She is also leading the production of this year’s custom battery management system. When she's not working on this year's build, she likes to go hiking or bake up something sweet for herself at home. A personal passion of hers is the integration of green energy into our energy resources, the challenges it adds to grid reliability, and the need for more grid flexibility.

Lead Engineers

Con Matilas - Aerodynamics Lead Engineer

Con is the Aerodynamics Lead for V66. He is currently a pre-major in Polymer Materials Engineering and has always had a passion for racing. He expresses his love for cars through his efforts, which include simulating the air behavior around the car through CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), designing accordingly through CAD software, and then finishing it off with carbon fiber part manufacturing. When he's not working on the car, Con likes to go bike and play soccer with his roommates as well as find good food spots around the Bellingham area.

Jake Benjamin - Chassis Lead Engineer

Jake Benjamin is a pre-major in manufacturing engineering and the V66 Chassis lead. He is a sophomore and a Manufacturing Engineering pre-major and is in his second year with the team. As the Chassis lead in the Structures Subsystem, he is responsible for coordinating and executing the design, manufacturing, and testing of the car's steel frame. He enjoys designing, welding, and making spreadsheets. Outside of the team, he enjoys music and cooking.

Kyana Grayer - Brakes, Pedals & Steering Lead Engineer

Kyana is the Brakes, Pedals, and Steering (BPS) Lead for V66. She is pursuing a Manufacturing Engineering major and a Math minor. Her favorite part about being on the team is working on the ergonomics of the car and communicating with the drivers when designing driving positions. Outside of the team, she is also president of the Society of Women Engineers and she works in the math center. When she's not in school she enjoys dance, music, and taking walks outside, especially if it's raining.

Kaden Ebbeson - Suspension Lead Engineer

Kaden Is the Suspension Lead for Viking 66. He is a pre-major in Manufacturing Engineering (MFGE). His favorite part of the team is integrating systems and figuring out how they fit together with other members. Outside of the team, Kaden actively works on searching for new and better computer software to learn, from AI to coding to data organization. When he is not on campus, he enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, hiking, and open-world or FPS games.

Jackson Dahl - Suspension Lead Engineer

Jackson has participated in WWU Racing since Fall of 2022, but has recently accepted the new lead position to work in tandem with Kaden. Now with two Suspension leads, Jackson and Kaden will be able to better divvy up the responsibilities of the sub-system.  Jackson has been hard at work machining and assembling the uprights, clevises, control arms and corner packages. Once the testing season starts, Jackson will turn his attention towards suspension setups as well as tuning after test days.

Bryce Nisly - Drivetrain Lead Engineer

Bryce is the Drivetrain Lead for V66. He is majoring in Manufacturing Engineering with minors in Physics and Astronomy. His favorite part of being on the team is the wide variety of hands-on projects and the team bonding. Outside of school, he enjoys running, backpacking, skiing, and working on cars.

Patrick Pierson - HV Electronics Lead Engineer

Patrick is the high-voltage lead engineer for Viking 66. He is currently pursuing a double major in computer science and physics with a minor in mathematics. His favorite part of the team is problem-solving as well as innovating new ideas to incorporate into the design. Patrick is also an assistant captain for the WWU ice hockey team. Outside of school, he loves watching and playing hockey, as well as working on his own personal projects. He hopes to have a successful year with the FSAE team at Western and is looking forward to continuing working with the team throughout his remaining college years

Jacob Spinello - LV Electronics Lead Engineer

Jacob is an Electrical Engineering major, with a concentration in electronics and is the Low Voltage Lead Engineer for V66 with WWU Racing. His favorite part of the team is solving problems and learning along with the team, but especially the designing and manufacturing side of electronics. When he is not working away in the shop, you can find Jacob playing instruments, mountain biking, backpacking, as well as many other outdoor activities.