Suicide Prevention

There is Help , Don't be afraid to reach out!

Hotlines & Screening Tools

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)

VT Crisis Text Line: Text "VT" to 741741

Text VT to 741741 - Crisis Text Line is FREE - 24/7 support.

You get an automated text response first, and then a response from a trained crisis counselor. They work with you until you are cool and calm and have a positive plan for next steps.

Vermont 211:

  • Dial 2-1-1 anywhere in Vermont or visit to get live referral help to public and private state and community services.

Umatter® U Can Get Help:

Award winning website for youth who think they may need help or may be worried about someone else

National Hopeline Network: 800-442-HOPE (4673)

Screening for Mental Health:

In-person and online screening programs for depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, PTSD, eating disorder, substance abuse, and suicide prevention.

GLBT National Health Center: 888-843-4564GLBT National Hotline

GLBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-PRIDE (7743)

Online Peer Support Chat:

Telephone volunteers in their teens and early twenties speak with teens and young adults up to age 25 about coming-out issues, relationship concerns, parent issues, school problems, HIV/AIDS, anxiety and more.

The Trevor Project:

Trevor Lifeline: 866-488-7386 Trevor Chat: 202-304-1200 Trevor Text: Text the word "Trevor"

Providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth.

Trans Lifeline:

Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and PRESS 1